A Super Stuffed Mr. Pillow, taking a nap on my Oma's Couch
For those who have been following my TiLM from my facebook notes or my TiLM tumblr (it will be discontinued and will be open as an archive), welcome to TiLM on Bolu! This will be the new permanent home for it... So I hope you will continue to read it, comment it and support it. All supports mean a lot to me.
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So this past 2 weeks has been pretty... I don't know how to describe it... Blurry? Week 46 is really a blur because it felt like I've been working hard and the week felt like forever. It may be caused by me being on call that week. And probably knowing the fact that The Pillow has been in the East Coast since the prior week. It's not like I've never been apart from him over a week or two (I live in Rancho Cucamonga & he lives near Newport Beach, and we only see each other during the weekend due to work), but I just felt this uneasiness in me knowing that he is far, far, far away from me (and being in my Favorite city in the world, New York!!) and at one point driving on snowy roads (we don't get that in SoCal). Gah. But he's been very cute and great by sending me postcards from every city he was in during the week.

Pretty cool, huh? Also, I got called back to work during that weekend 3 times, and the last 2 were Trauma cases and I didn't leave the hospital til 1 AM! The next day at work, I felt like a zombie, yet thank God, I survived. Oh, and I made Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cinnamon Cream Cheese Frosting for the people at work. The cupcake was pretty dense, but so yummy from the frosting.

Week 47 was better because of Thanksgiving Holiday!! Who is not happy for a holiday weekend? I know I was. I was glad for this week because I get to see Mr. Pillow again. I missed him terribly. Seeing him when I opened my door on Thanksgiving day, was worth being thankful for. Gave him a major bear hug... so did Chimmy. I know he misses him. For Thanksgiving, my family went to my Oma's house for our annual Lunch. This was my first for the past 3 years, so it was nice to be surrounded by family and enjoyed an American-Indonesian Thanksgiving. Too bad some of my cousins couldn't make it, but at least it was nice to see Oma smiling. As you can see from the first picture, Mr. Pillow was so stuffed, he passed out for a moment. Turkey gets you.
After Oma's, we both head on to one of our friends's house from church and joined our Youth Group's BBQ Dinner & Game Night. Cranium & Guesstures were a hit, but the biggest hit was our favorite Poor Man's Taboo. Never gets old!
I didn't do Black Friday Shopping because I picked up a shift in the ER (my old Department). It was busy but twas nice to be with the Boys again (Scott, Josiah & Jr). I got stuck in a code, which was pretty cool, since it's been 8 months I've seen a code. Good thing we were able to resuscitate the patient. Hopefully she's doing well.
Spent time again with Mr. Pillow on Saturday night. We went to West Covina to get some of his favorite dessert, Martabak. We went to Hollywood & Highland, just roaming around, people watching.
Xmas Tree at the Hollywood & Highland Shopping Center |
Then of course, the delicious dinner at Roscoe's. Man, I'm still drooling for their waffles. Nom nom nom. One of the highlights of the night was when we drove down the 5 South heading to OC with the windows down and doing weird dance moves while listening to Ricky Martin. Oh yes. Ricky Martin. Epic moment.
Sunday was fun day, because it was one of my cousin's birthday, Jordan, and also Sports Day for my Youth Group. I didn't play because I was lazy (I'm not a big sport person). One of the highlight of the day was when Raisa, who lost her ring (RIP RING!), went and came back with a METAL DETECTOR! Epic! That thing is awesome. Sadly, she didn't find her ring :( May the ring rest peacefully at Old Town Park.
All in all, Thanksgiving has been great. I've been blessed with great people in my life, and I couldn't ask for more than that... (ok, maybe more? hehe).
Hope yours was great :)
moonbeams and bunny kisses,