Monday, March 16, 2015

Oh hay!

It's been a while. I know it has. I've been working waaaaayyyy too much to the point I am slightly hating my job. It became more like a routine. I feel like I live in the ER. I wake up, get ready, work, go home, sleep, repeat. 

Seriously. Even the doctor that works a lot in my ER thinks I am working too much. 
Then one day while getting a massage (yes), I had an epiphany to volunteer again. I miss helping people who genuinely appreciate your care and help (if you follow me at work in the ER, you will see how ungrateful most of the people are in there. Too demanding). My time in Honduras was amazing and I want to experience it again. Hence, I decided to do it again but this time with United Planet to Peru. Why not combine my passion of helping people and travel at the same time? I started a GoFundMe, so any amount of help will sure do help.

Also, I am finally following another dream. Travel Nursing. I have been wanting to do this for the past 5 years but always chicken out. The fear creeps up whenever I want to go for it. Then again during that massage (I tend to think when the masseuse works on my back), I thought, "Rima, it's now or never!" I will be moving abroad soon and probably will have my license inactive during the time so I think now it's the time to do it. So, God willing, I am planning to do travel nursing from May - July! I am excited. 

I can't wait to edit and show you pictures from Iceland! Also, I went to another new city for me in Switzerland, Basel. I was lucky enough to check out the Basel Fasnacht (their version of the Carnival) and it was fun. But let me share you this picture of Rob & I in front of Hallsgrimkirkja :)
I miss him! I won't see him until April 5th! We will meet up in San Francisco and then will rent a car and plan a road trip down to LA. I can not wait.


Sunday, March 1, 2015

Those small moments

When you were exiting your plane with your beau, hand in hand, and you're listening to this one song and isolating that moment in your head, which made you smile so big because the song reminded you that you're so lucky to be loved by him.

Then he caught a glimpse of you smiling  and asked, "What's up? Why are you smiling?" And you just smile more and say, "Oh nothing..." And realized how happy you are to spend an amazing time with him and can't wait to spend the rest of your life with him... Thanks to that one song. 

Now every time I hear that song now, that little moment pops up in my head, walking down the airport in Basel, heading to the baggage claim, hand in hand, and it makes me smile so wide. Small intimate moments like that makes me happy.

Oh and that song was John Mayer and Katy Perry's "Who You Love"

Gosh I miss him.

- Rima