Saturday, January 28, 2012

Food Time: *Vegan* Strawberry Banana Bread

As you know, I went Vegan, and I'm trying to do it for the month of February (Monday - Friday; weekends, I'll try to be as Vegan/Vegetarian as possible, if situation allows!). So far I'm on my day 5, and yes, I cheated on my vegan self by eating brown rice & ikan teri (those little anchovies) that my mum made last week. They were so spicy, I almost cried. 

To counteract my decision, and being the crazy little baker, I decided to make a vegan sweet dish. After browsing around, I came up on to and decided to try her recipe. I did modified to what I have on hand, and the bread came out sooo soft and moist. Crumbly to the bones. Did not disappoint. Even my sister, Icha, who stopped by with her hubs, Vino (thanks for stopping by) loved it. Yay.

look at the strawberries!! yum!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Things I Love Monday, week 3

Sorry for being late 1 day...

This week has been a sad week due to a sudden, unexpected death of a close family friend (also a church member of mine). Kak Joyce, who was 38 at the time of death, suffered a hemorrhagic stroke on MLK day and was in a coma. She was on life support until her family decided to terminate it on Friday, Jan 20. She died peacefully surrounded by her son, sister, parents and loving church members in San Antonio Community Hospital at 5:05 PM. May God continue to watch over and bless her surviving family, and I know she's resting in peace. We will see her in the Second Coming. 

Working in the medical field, I am used to see and take care of patients who are in critical condition (matter of fact, I was in a case for a patient who suffered the EXACT same problem that Kak Joyce had, before I left my work to see her before the weaning of life support), but being in the other side was something else. It's very weird when someone you know is sick and is supported by medicine and machines to fight for their lives. *shivers*

In the other hand, my dad, who is close to Kak Joyce's dad, and being first elder of church, was pretty shaken by this tragedy. For the first time, in like ages, he gave me a hug before I left work and said to be careful and take good care of myself. That made my day. 

While I tried to distract my thoughts from the sadness, I made my first boozy cupcake, the Kahlua Chocolate Cupcake. I will post the recipe, someday, as this will be the cupcake of choice (per Ollie) that will be in the photo shoot. Hehe.

Church on Saturday was pretty gloomy since all of our members are still in shock and grief over our loss of Joyce. The Pillow translated for the Pastor, and it was a tough one, but he pulled it off (as always, like a pro!). We had a Yogurtland & Sushi Date, and also our snuggle nap time with my baby boy Chimmy. I swear, this dog becomes very spoiled when Rob's around. He wants to snuggle up like crazy around Rob.

Thugs of UNISDAC: Otin, my Bro, & TYJ, baby cousin
see how bratty Chimmy is?

after sushi, we decided to kick it at Denny's, but my sudden allergy attack kinda ruined the Denny's Date :(
my new reading material
Rob & I were inspired by this documentary "Pelada" that we watched after dinner via netflix, and we SOOO want to travel! It's a pretty great flick, especially if you are a Soccer fan like us!

On Sunday morning, on the way to Orange County, I had an epiphany (again) about my diet/health, and I decided, since I've done it before, to do a Vegan diet. I did Veganism a while back, during my early College years because I was trying to figure out about my Vitiligo. But I was only able to do it for 3 months (and I converted to Vegetarianism, then to Pesco-tarianism for the remaining 9 months) because money was tight and it is pretty expensive to do Vegan IF you want to do it right. I also did Vegetarian again for 1 year (and that was for political reasons... but converted to Pesco-tarianism) and I remember I felt pretty good during that year. 

With my weight acting like a yo-yo, I decided for the month of February, from Monday - Friday, to do a Vegan diet. I will try to be as Vegan/Vegetarian as possible on the weekends, but it depends on the situation (Church, going out with the Boyf, since he's NOT a Veg, nor ever will become of Veg [if he does, that's a miracle]). I will do it for a full month, and we will see how it goes. Definitely I hope to lose some pounds by eliminating all the dairy, eggs and meat products of my diet. *fingers cross*

So far today, I did had a Egg McMuffin (minus bacon) from McD's (shame!), but I had an amazing Vegan dish from Loving Hut in Upland (Lemongrass Soy Chicken with Brown Rice, downed with a delicious glass of Soy Thai Iced Tea) AND awesome Vegan Pizza from Z Pizza. Even my dad loved it! And I also baked some Vegan Oatmeal Raisin Cookies (success) while I failed making the Vegan Banana Bread because I forgot to put baking soda in it (super dumb!!!!!). So far I feel ok. I know I will probably go thru withdrawals, but I must hang in there. Especially I love hard-boiled eggs & cheese. Gagagagaga...

Well, this is my Call week at work :/ I hope this week goes by smooth.

moonbeams & bunny kisses (vegan style),

ps: my arm is sore. why? i got the typhoid shot. boo.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Well hello February...

I'm excited for February.
I'm going Vegan. Monday to Friday.

moonbeams & bunny kisses,

Friday, January 20, 2012

Cupcake Challenge

It's 2012 and I want a challenge.

Leave a comment and challenge me with a cupcake flavor and its frosting.

I want to challenge myself on flavor & taste (presentation will come later hehe)!

This week I challenged myself to make a boozy cupcake, and I think it was a success (sorta). Found several recipes of this particular cupcake, but now I know that I need some adjustments and tweaking of the frosting.

I present you the Kahlua Chocolate Cupcake. Recipe will follow in another post.

So post your ideas and I will see who has the most interesting one, and i will make it for your entertainment.

As how Barney Stinson says, "Challenge Accepted"

Moonbeams & Bunny Kisses,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Things I Love Monday, week 1 & 2

Well well... First of all I would like to thank for MLK for dreaming... and because of your dreams, I have a day off today. Tee hee.

Some fun things happened thru out the past 2 weeks and I shall share them to you. But you will definitely get a food post soon, this week. I'm excited to experiment on this tomorrow! Stay tune!

Work has been crazy ever since the start of the year. You know, I assume people, like you and me (probably more me) thought that since it's a new year, why not invest more time to your health. And no joke, we've seen an influx on our patients these past weeks. The ER and PACU... pretty much the whole hospital, was filled with patients. And I kid you not, a lot of them are SICK sick. I guess they hung on for quite some time during the holidays, busted their "health" out and decided to hit the hospital like nobody's business. One thing for sure, despite the craziness & frenzy, I'm thankful to have a job. *sigh*

Also these past two weeks were the last times I met the Pillow's sister & mum. We all hung out at Newport Beach Pier after enjoying my homemade chocolate chip cookies (I am so glad they love them) before I finally said my goodbyes to them. I really do hope his mum likes me... heehee.

One thing for sure that I established this 2 weeks was The Hunger Games. One word: EPIC. You guys must read it. And make sure to catch the movie in March. I'm so excited!

Another discovery that I've found was how hot Ryan Gosling was and is in Crazy Stupid Love. Never found him that attractive (yes, I am guilty. I have NOT seen The Notebook), but that movie changed my whole perspective of hawtness of him. Drool.

meet mr. Lincoln. named after Prez. Lincoln's beard. Cat of my Uncle Alvin. Haaay.
While my Uncle is hustlin his way in the Philippines for vacation, my mum asked me to take her to my Oma's house on my day off to keep her company. With her, I encountered this ball of fur named Lincoln. He's a Persian Cat, owned by my mum's youngest brother, Uncle Alvin. He has this evil face, but in fact he is the most spoiled cat ever. He'll purr at your feet then come up on to your lap ask for a rub. I am not a cat person, so when he came up to me for the first time, it was an awkward moment. I was afraid that once I touch him, he'll scratch my arms. But he's actually just chillin'. I believe Chimmy is more evil than Lincoln.

Then, of course, this past weekend was an important weekend for us dying football fans. Sadly to say, there will be no repeat Superbowl for the Packers (sad trombone). It was a pretty big disappointment for us (mainly the Pillow). I was so bummed with the Pack's performance, I slept thru almost 4th quarter. Oh well... Sometimes you can't guarantee a great standing stats during the Season to make it through the Post Season. Next year, baby. I wanna see then again so I can stare at Aaron Rodger's ass in them tight gold pants. They are dreamy.
the Pillow actually loves the Camera. He just denies it!
 Now after you read this sentence, look at the picture below. Now read this sentence: Doesn't it make you DROOL? I'm staring at it now and drooling to the max. I've been in a Korean Food phase for the past couple of days ever since I was talking to one of my Doctors at work, who's Korean, about kimchi. The Pillow and I, after dwelling in our sadness for the Packers, went to this restaurant by his place (thanks Yelp!) called Hashigo. We wanted to go to the Japanese BBQ next door, but the wait was 2 hours, but our bellies can't stand the growling (mkay, mainly me). Sat down, got the menu and we went for the Spicy Kimchi Fried Rice (!!!!!! must !!!!!!!) and boneless Kal Bi BBQ ribs. My goodness it was delish. I pounded that rice with them side kimchis like no ones business. I was so full, I was kinda afraid I might fall asleep driving back home! I really want to attempt to make this Kimchi Fried Rice, or as they say, kimchi bokkeumbap. Hm, challenge accepted! Yes, that's part of my goals of this year.
i am hungry now
Well I am excited for the upcoming weeks ahead. I heard that I am a "go" to have my own corner in a asian-american magazine (TBA!); planning a fun date with my niece, Crystle, who designed my new logo ; decorating Pillow's kitchen (he gave me full permission to own the kitchen. YES!); and a photo session with my friend Ollie regarding my baked goods. I am soo excited about that project. 

2012: year of projects!

moonbeams & bunny kisses,


Friday, January 13, 2012

If you can pick a genre to live in...

courtesy of:

I would pick THIS genre!

I love LOVE the 1960s boho/hippie fashion... especially towards the love/peace/stop war movement (minus the sex and drug scene). Flower power baby.

Another genre I would love to live in is the 1920s. Jazz, Flappers, ah name it. But for right now, I love love love the bohemian life (ok, minus the getting high part).

What would be your genre?

moonbeams and bunny kisses (minus happy brownies... huh?)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

12 things.

So I was driving to my favorite local burger joint (hello Tam's Burger) and a epiphany crossed my mind... I wanted to improve my well-being, physically (this, for me, is a huge challenge) and mentally. And you might ask, why 12? Well it's 2012. Plus there are 12 months in a year. I think it should be doable to me to achieve a goal a month. My challenge to self is to do things that I have not done in my 27 (almost 28!) years of my life.

It doesn't have to be in order, nor it can happen where I may achieve more than one within a short period of time between activities. In a way, this kind of helps me cross off some stuffs on my Bucket List. So here it begins:

1. Missionary Trip (this will happen in March)
2. Bake and Decor a Cake. This I've never done ever!
3. Bake a batch of Macaroons
4. Bungee Jump and/or Sky Dive
5. Cha-Cha Family Reunion. This should be the year, guys.
6. Read at least 5 novels by the end of the year. I don't think I've ever read 5 novels in a year. Comic books, when I was a kid, doesn't count as novels. Haha. I finished my first one, The Hunger Games, this morning. I came pretty late for this great novel (sorta in a way, joining the band wagon ever since I see friends posted pictures of the trilogy in their Path account. I didn't know a movie was coming out for that novel, so I purchased the book thru Kindle, and killed it in 12 hours!), but now I'm on to the 2nd book of the trilogy, Catching Fire. I'm now excited for the movie!
7. Do a photo shoot of my baked goods. I must notify Ollie for this. Tee Hee.
8. Beer Tasting. Yes, I know wine tasting should be fun (and probably romantic too) but I'm a beer girl. I would love to explore the world of beer. Not to just get buzz on it.
9. Get a legit Physical Exam, inside out. I do have health insurance since I started work, but I've never taken great advantage of it. This time, I will. Haha.
10. Master the art of Fried Rice. Yes. Either the Thai Version, Chinese Version or Indo Version. I'm serious.
11. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter. Always wanted to do this. Even just for a weekend.
12. Make Snow Angels. Haven't yet.

Sounds doable, right?

Wish me luck.

moonbeams & bunny kisses,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Food Time: Stir-Fry Beef with Baby Bok Choy

Mum demanded lunch today and she was craving beef. It was already like 1140 AM and I also haven't had a proper meal in the morning, so I headed down to my local Fresh & Easy. I really love that place because the prices are cheap and they have great prepackaged meat. So I decided to make some stir-fry beef with some baby bok choy as the veg, and it turned out great. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Be Inspired.

30 gifts to 30 strangers in Sydney from Lucas Jatoba on Vimeo.

This inspired me. Hope it inspires you too!

- Rima

THE Bucket List

So I know everyone has a bucket list, right? I never had one until I watched, well, "The Bucket List" movie. If you haven't seen it, I really recommend it.

As 2012 was approaching, late last year I was planning ahead (typical me) on what bucket list I want to cross out on my list. I know my list is still and will probably always grow as I get older. I achieved some of them in the past, and I am planning to cross out some more this year.

So here's my list. Some are realistic, some are not, but hey, who knows... it may happen one day. I believe in miracles and dreams!

  • Step my feet and inhale the airs of London, Paris, Tokyo and New York City (April '10 & March '11)
  • Watch Manchester United play. Period.
  • Watch Manchester United play in Old Trafford
  • Watch David Beckham play, live (Summer '10, LA Galaxy vs Real Madrid)
  • Shake David Beckham's Hand
  • Watch Lionel Messi play (New Jersey, March '11, Argentina vs USA)
  • Have a Dog (Chimichanga, my bratty pomeranian, Winter '08)
  • Learn a Third Language (I am fluent in English -duh- and Indonesian)
  • Zipline (Nov 8 '11 for Pillow's birthday in Catalina Island), Bungee Jump and Skydive
  • Watch Jack Johnson live (Sept '10)
  • Watch Backstreet Boys live (Summer '10. YES! This was a Teenage Dream of mine. The teenie-bopper in me went cray cray)
  • Do a tour of all of the houses I stayed during my 10 years in Indonesia and take a picture of me in front of them
  • Reunite with ALL of my Cha-Cha Sister (Oct 2012 & May 2014)
  • Medical Missionary - this one will be happening in March of this year
  • Watch Coldplay live (Summer '11)
  • Kissed in the Rain (yes cheesy, but it was done! 102410)
  • Shoot a gun
  • Live, at least 1 year, in Los Angeles, New York City and London
  • Pay off my debt (this is a long ass process)
  • Own a baking business (this is a long shot goal)
  • Master the art of photography
  • Master an Indonesian dish without looking at the recipe
  • Get Engaged (every girl's dream, right?)
  • Me and Pillow have our own bucket list: Watch Bon Jovi (April 2013), the Black Eyed Peas (he's scratched on that when he went to last year's Super Bowl), Coldplay (yes) live
  • Be a Maid of Honor (August '11 for my sister, Icha)
  • Have a closet full of Cameras (this is an on-going process. I don't have a closet for them yet)
  • Be in a newspaper (Feb '09, the Press Enterprise, with my friend Torrey, during the Swine Flu outbreak. FRONT PAGE baby)
  • Take a picture with Ariel, the Little Mermaid
  • Get a Tattoo (Jan '10, Crescent Moon to my left wrist)
  • Get my ear pierced (Summer '10, got both my cartilages done)
  • Watching an NFL (Packers vs Chargers, Nov '11), NBA (Rockets vs Lakers, Summer '11), NHL, US Open, & MLB game live.
  • African Safari
  • Do a 5K race (Aug '12!)
  • Watch a World Cup game LIVE! (July 2014)
  • more to come
Well this year, so far that I can think of, I will be doing the Medical Mission trip to Honduras in March and also I'm reliving another list, watching Coldplay live in May. 

One dream of mine even since I graduated from Nursing School was to do a medical missionary trip. Finally, this year, I am able to achieve this important goal of mine. I'm going with a group from UC San Diego under the Global Brigades organization. I'm currently taking money donation for my trip. If you want to donate, feel free. Any amount of money helps. So far I'm already 65% towards my funds for the trip. If you want, you can go here and donate. Plus, it's tax deductible. 

And about Coldplay... I can't deny it, but I am a fan. I'm more of a fan, actually, since the past 2 years. Coldplay has been a big part of my relationship with the Pillow... There's so much history involved with some of their songs with the both of us. I'm one of those girls that relates songs to her part of her life, haha. Cheesy, I know, but true. Last Summer we saw them performed at the Tennis Court in UCLA and it was epic. That was just a mini summer concert, not those big arena ones. This year, they will be performing at the Hollywood Bowl, which I've never been to, so I'm pretty stoked to finally witness the epicness of them at a big arena. I can't wait when they perform some of their classics and also new songs from Mylo Xyloto (this album is super great). One thing for sure, I would probably cry when they perform Fix You (there's a meaning behind this song to me). I so can't wait for this!

I hope more lists can get crossed (and maybe get added on) this year. This year sounds fun already, to me. There's a certain list up there that I hope that can happen this year. If you know me, you know what I'm thinking about. Tee hee.

So what is in your bucket list? Do share. I want to know :)

moonbeams and bunny kisses,

Monday, January 2, 2012

Things I Love Monday, week 52/Happy New Year

Well well well... 2012 is here, and are you excited? I am! I am very excited. I'm just can't wait what 2012 has in stores for me. I know for sure is Honduras in March, Coldplay (again!) in May (I must get my tickets soon!), more baking sessions (I hopefully can say, more blog entries about those), possible magazine corner for me (still in progress) and more loving to Mr. Pillow & Chimmy.

So how was everyone's New Years Eve? One word for mine: Family. I spent it with my family, Mr. Pillow's family & our Church family. Since NYE fell on a Saturday, I spent most of the day at Church (I am a Seventh-Day Adventist, if you don't know) and it followed with some Chinese Buffet from my church and me & Pillow's family did a quick detour to Cheesecake Factory, just right on time for the countdown. We started our year with a cheesecake to share!

As of for New Years Day, I spent the day with his family again and we headed to Beverly Hills for some lavish shopping (not me!) and some fine Italian grub in Santa Monica's Third St. Mr. Pillow & I did some random photo shoots of each other while the girls were roaming around the stores.

he was trying very hard to pull off a GQ look

We both came up with a Theme Song for this year and this year goes to Yellow by Coldplay (he did a random turns on his and I said, "STOP!"). For last year of 2011 it was Fix You by Coldplay, and 2010 was I Got a Feeling by BEP. And I was so happy that it fell on Yellow. The whole song sums up my cheesy lovey feeling towards him. He makes me happy. And I love stars.

Look at the stars, look how they shine for you... and all the things that you do. - Coldplay
Friday, Widya, Pillow's sister, wanted to go snowboarding so we headed to Snow Valley in Running Springs and it was fun, yet painful. Falling on ice is never fun. My left arm is still sore until now :(

Also, if you noticed, Bolu had a face lift! My incredible niece designed the new Logo and I LOVE IT. Very simple but sophisticated, don't you think? I can't wait to collaborate with her soon!

One more thing that made me so happy this past week was that my baby sister, Ocha, donated $100 for my Honduras trip. I didn't expect her to do it, but she did. I'm getting closer to reaching my goal. God bless her!

Ah! I'm so excited what 2012 has in stores. I don't want to make resolutions, because knowing me, I always fail to do them. I rather just make simple goals in my head and trying my best to achieve them. Wait, isn't that the same?

moonbeams & bunny kisses,