Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Confessions

  • I whined and whined to my boyfriend that I need a haircut. Result: A haircut courtesy of the Pillow *Score!*
  • I secretly admired the hawt bodies of the US Water Polo Team in front of the Pillow. Hot damn.
  • I ate chocolate today. 
  • I can't stop smacking Rob's booty. Hahahahahaha... Sorry Boo
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World is a weird movie
  • But Michael Cera is always Mega Nerdy Cute
  • Instead of bringing the Bible to Church yesterday, I brought a NYC guide book. Sad.
  • I think I'm overpacking for New York. Time to decrease the load
  • The Dark Knight Rises was AWESOME. Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Robin? Hawt damn.
  • Oh and the trailer for Man of Steel looks Super Cool. Can't wait.
  • I actually punched Rob when I woke up this morning. Poor Pillow.
This link-up is provided to you by Alyx.

What are your confessions?


  1. So glad I stumbled on your blog! What a lovely layout you have here. Have a great time in NYC!

  2. Damn girl, Rob's getting a beating from you!

    1. hahahah poor him. I can't help it. There's this thing about his booty. I love big butts and I can not lie... You other brothers can't deny...

  3. I always overpack! But I also think that I still don't have enough!

    1. me too!!! I fear of not having enough clothes!! but i think i should be okay though. there are H&Ms in every corner of Manhattan. haha. but i rather spend money on food hehe

    2. yeah, I know exactly what you mean. :)

  4. I really want to see the Dark Knight Rises!
    Don't beat the pillow... actually, it's okay, sometimes they need to know who's boss.
    Kidding. Kind of.

    1. LOL i think he knows i'm the baws. i rule.

  5. That cracked me up that you brought your NYC Guidebook to church.
