Well look what we have here... Just like the major consumerist of united states of americuhhhh... Right when it hits Jan 1, all major stores start selling Valentines stuff. Right from the gold, green, red, blue and white... now you are bombarded BAM with Red & Pink...
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February 1st, 2013 will be the 10th year of National Wear Red Day, to provide awareness for Heart Disease, specifically to women. Go Red for Women is a great website to learn about heart disease, preventions, and such. I recommend that website!
Now, let's go back to Valentine's Day. Remember those days in Elementary School, where you pass out handmade cards and goodies to people we love? Melissa from Insert Sarcastic Remark Here and I decided to do a Valentine's Day gift exchange, titled, "be my FREAKIN valentine"!!! We're both excited and can't wait to see all of you participate. Plus, who DOESN'T love receiving goodies in the mail? I can't wait!
Now, this Gift Exchange will be a little different. Together Melissa & I encourage that ALL PARTICIPANT in this gift exchange should donate to the American Heart Association, in order to support the AHA on fighting Heart Disease and bring MAJOR awareness to people (esp. women out there). The minimun donation is $5. Not bad, right? And it's Tax Deductible (if you care about those things!)
Here's the TIME LINE
- First Post to start sign up - 1/7 Monday
- Last day to sign up - 1/15 Tuesday
- Email out partners by -1/18 Friday. You should receive an email from Melissa or Me about your recipient!
- Last Day to mail package - 2/4 Monday
- Link Up - 2/12 Tuesday
- Follow our Melissa at [insert sarcastic remark here] and Rima at Bolu by Rima.
- Like I said, February is National Heart Awareness Month and we're asking you to make a donation to the American Heart Association. Read more about heart disease on Go Red for Women
- MAKE your partner a Valentine Card, yup, get out the construction paper and glue, it's time to get crafty!!!
- Get to know your partner and put together a Valentine themed package valued at $10 to $15. Don't worry, we will include the blogger's interest in the email. But go ahead and BLOG-STALKING!
- Gift Exchange IS open to all you international bloggers. YAY!
- Please don't commit if you don't think you'll be able to follow through.
- Fill out the form bellow the button (google docs) and grab the button below and post it on your blog and spread the word. SPREAD THE WORD LIKE YOU SPREAD THAT BUTTER ON YOUR TOAST. ok not too much butter though... It's high on fat. Haha. Remember that heart of yours!
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