I live nearby El Lay, Los Angeles, City of Angels, La La Land, LA! Yet I loathe going to LA because of the traffic. 101 HWY sucks ass.
Well actually not that
nearby... More like a 40 minute drive WITHOUT traffic. With traffic, depends... 80 - 100 minutes average. Yuck.
Anyways, a couple of weeks ago, I went to LA via Metrolink with my buddy, Helga, to apply for our Indonesian Visas. And I completely fell in love with the train commute. Yes, the amount of time spent in train vs car may be equivalent, BUT Oh dear... I don't have to worry about:
- Traffic
- Falling asleep in traffic
- Looking for Parking
- Paying for Parking and Gas
- Dealing with crossing pedestrians
- Yelling to the crossing pedestrians
You get what I'm saying, right? Meanwhile during that same amount of time in the train I can:
- Sleep
- Eat
- Text and make a phone call, legally
- Read and/or blog
- Knit/Crochet/Cross-Stitch/Embroidery
- Stare at the window and look at people's ugly backyards passing by
- Eavesdrop into people's conversation and judge them without looking at them
- Do a staring contest with the kid across from you
Pretty legit, eh? Maybe one drawback is you can't sing out loud like you're in your car...
Especially when you're listening to your iPod and your favorite Backstreet Boys song comes out. Damn.
Anyways... I told myself, "GURL... You've been doing subways whenever you're on vacation, why not do it locally?" I was like, "gurrrlll you know whaaatttt..." *selfhighfive*
So this past Memorial Day weekend, aka Sunday, I embarked on a quicky trip to Los Angeles via Metro. With $10 roundtrip, I can't complain. My friend, Nneka, tagged along. She was late to the station so she ended up meeting me at Union Station and we headed out for some foodie trip.
credit: rima |
credit: rima |
My original plan was to just venture out in Little Tokyo. It was already afternoon and we was hunngggrraaaay so we searched for some Sushi. Mind you, we had "American" Sushi in our head so when we landed at Sushi Go 55, we were pretty bummed, esp. when we were starving. Nneka was craving some Mexican Rolls. We kinda forgot that we
were in Little Tokyo. So their sushis are the traditional kind. Since we sat down and got water, we didn't want to be rude so we ordered Cali Rolls and Spicy Tuna Rolls & Edamame. It was good. I was so hungry, I didn't take a picture.
Randomly Nneka wanted to go to Little Ethiopia and I was like, "YEAH!!! Let's go!!!" as I munched on my rolls. Then she blurted out, "But I want Cuban..."So we opened up Yelp, and then I saw Mario's. I was like, "GURRRLLL you gotz to try Mario's on Melrose!!!!! It's Peruvian, though?" I showed her the menu and she was sold.
Before hitting Mario's, my ultimate goal for this mini foodie trip was to try out some "roti" (means bread in Indo) from
Cafe Dulce in the Japanese Village. Go on and Yelp it. The pictures will make you drool. I opted for the Green Tea Roti and Green Tea Donut (which I gave to my lovely bro). Nneka got Snowball Roti & Strawberry Cream Donut. The roti was so good. Crumbly yet soft. If only I had a cup of coffee, I would dunk the bread... and eat 3 more.
Green Tea Roti & Green Tea Donut |
credit: rima |
Mario's... Mmm Mmm... Be prepared for some serious waiting-in-line... oh and parking hunt. We parked nearby another strip mall, hoping that we won't get a ticket. Mario's was one of the first "ethnic" restaurants that the Pillow took me when we first started dating. I believe he was trying to impress me with his foodie choices, and he did. Harhar. Since then, I've been hooked on Peruvian food (our favorite is in Costa Mesa called
Inca Grill). So Nneka & I stood there in line for 45 minutes. We were
thissssss close on giving up and wanted to head on to La Cienega to eat at
Versailles (since she mentioned Cuban food earlier), thank God the host called our name. We were giddy.
Of course, we both ordered Lomo Saltado. If you never had Lomo Saltado... Gurl, you must try! Stir-fried steak strips with bell pepper, tomato, onions AND french fries (yes fries!) with a side of white rice (I believe it's flavored too!) and squirt some of that spicy green sauce... and Inca Cola... You're good.
Nneka said it was worth the wait. I was like, "hell yea". After making our bellies happy, we headed back to Union Station so I can catch the train back.
See, now that I'm full
of shit, I don't have to worry about falling asleep behind the wheel, stuck in traffic. I get to stare at people's ugly backyards and doze off. Best feeling ever.
DTLA is FULL of restaurants and cafes, I'm determine to go back, AGAIN, by train, just to eat. Eat walk eat walk. Must compensate the calories I put in me, ya know?
bunny kisses,