I work in a department in the hospital where we can play blast music all day err day without anyone protesting... okay, maybe if we play some profanity music.
My Charge Nurse is a rocker/screamo/emo/punk/alternative girl at heart... so you would expect to hear those kind of music during a case...
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We throw in some Country here and there (Disco duder and another Rad Tech LOVES their country)...
If we have an elderly Hispanic patient who don't speak any English, we WILL throw some Banda or Mariachi music.
Then we have a doctor that loves his (s)Norah Jones and Josh Groban... (plus he monopolize during holiday season by playing his playlist of Holiday songs... and it starts from Thanksgiving!)
As for me... I can go all the way from the 1920s to the 2010s.
I can listen to
one day and then I can just swap into this...
then to this...
or this...
then one day this...
followed by this...
ok you get the gist.
And for some reason my taste in Music makes my co-workers confuse.
So I'll end this weird post with 2 songs that are in my mind right now.
I can completely relate, my taste in music is all over the place too. It's so cool that you can blast music all day at work! I listen to spotify quietly on my computer, but it's not the same.