Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Self Five

why? because I lost 1.5 lbs as of today... Ya know, I'm on this Slim Fast diet with my family and it's been 1 week already. It's hard. I do feel the need to snack (which is encouraged) and once in a while I do crave Burgers. Mmm burgers.

But this past week made me watch what I'm eating... I'm sorta counting calories. Of course I cheat here and there, but it's not that bad.

Ok pretty bad... meaning, I had an allergic reaction bad. So on my 5th day, I had to attend a birthday party. Homegurl here pigged out eating pizza, pasta and Hanger 24 Orange Wheat beer. Mmm... Beer. It was all good until the following morning.

My face was inflamed. I had welts underneath my eyes and my face was just plain itchy. Not fun. And I knew what it was from. I believe I have a sensitivity to gluten/wheat. I went gluten/wheat overload the night prior and my payback was the next morning. No bueno.

Which made me realized I haven't had that many intake of bread, pastries and baked goods in the past week... aka low to no gluten. I also decided to switch my Slim Fast to Raw Meal powder shakes.

healthy shake vegan chocolate

I do feel that my belly is less bloated and a little flatter than usual. Super score. Also my co-worker and I are starting to do our lunch-break laps around our hospital. I'm eating more lean protein, nut protein, trying to go more dairy free (I bought Coconut & Almond milk) and increasing my fruit and vegetable intake. AAANDDD I'm taking PreNatal Vitamins (gotta keep this impending womb healthy for future babies) and Vit. D. Mind you, I HATE pills. Gross.

So far my energy is a little bit better, I still need to work on my sleep hours (damn you Candy Crush).

I know it's only week 1 and rumor has it that it takes 21 days to form a habit. Damn 2 more weeks to go.

But shit. I lost 1.5 lbs and I'm proud, mija.



  1. Woo! *high five*

    I've been working out for a week now. I should probably weigh myself in the morning to see how I'm doing. My muscles that I haven't been using are definitely sore.

    I hope you can get the gluten thing figured out. Having to give up pasteries would be so sad.

  2. Way to go Rima!

  3. Great job! I'm on a weightloss journey myself and I know how hard it is.
    I've heard the '21 days to form a habit' thing before too, and I actually believe it works. It gives me something to work towards and helps me keep my mind in check.

    All the best, girl!
