Oh my dear London town. Another city to cross off my list. I've been fascinated with the Brits since childhood. I've always wanted to have a British accent. I love tea and tea cakes. I've always had a crush with Prince William when I was a child and daydream about what it is like to be a Royal.
Or should I just asked Lorde? I will never be a royal, but you can call me Queen B.
I took the balls to extend my 8 hours London layover to a whole day layover and even though I had to spend a little more for my ticket, it was worth it. My friend from Jr High, Ket, came down from Leeds, to accompany me to see LDNtown. She was heading back to Indonesia anyways and never got the chance to actually enjoy London, so it was a Win-Win situation. We took the Big Bus Tour and did some Hop On & Hop Offs. We stayed at this dingy motel by Paddington Square station which was ideal because it has the express train to Heathrow.
London is such a big town. No way you can walked around LDN in a day. I totally recommend doing the Big Bus Tour if you are really short on time. If you don't hop off, the tour takes about 3-4 hours, depending on traffic. It takes you to the main spots of London. If weather permits, I recommend the open top deck. Really perfect for pictures. It costs about $30. Not bad. Plus no blisters to your feet :)
Oh dear London, you know I will be back!
So jealous!! London was on the top of my list growing up, I can't wait to visit some day :)