Monday, January 13, 2014

Things I Love Monday

Hello Bunnies. Aren't you surprised with the title? Yes, my dears, I am bringing back TiLM, and to be honest, I am pretty excited. I sort of abandoned this segment for a long time. No regrets of not doing it in awhile, it was just probably, I was just too focus on like what kind of blog I want this to be and trying to be more commercial, trying to build sponsors and what not, but after a while, I got tired of focusing on being out there in the blog-world.

I just want to be me. I just want this blog to be my outlet of what's in my little fried brain. And I thank you ever so greatly for following my journey this far. Thanks for the comments & feedback. I will also try to add more recipes on the sister blog, but one is mainly a side-project. My mood comes in waves, so will the posts on the sister blog. Hahaha.

Just in case you're not familiar with TiLM, it's a segment where I write about moments and memories that happened during the week leading towards every Monday of the week. It's a weekly (sometimes bi-weekly) segment that I do to remind myself and express my gratitudes and appreciation of life. Things I love, but occasionally some dislikes as well (this segment was inspired by reading Gala Darling's TiLT religiously).

Anyways, this past week was slightly rough because I came down with the flu... Flu #2. Yes, I relapsed. After my fun vacation in Cancun (more posts on that coming soon), I went straight back to work the following day I got back. 2 days in the row, working in the ER, with mainly people complaining about flu-like symptoms. So I go patients from babies to elderly, pretty much coughing up the storm in your personal space. I was still pretty exhausted from the trip (Rob & I were doing lots of physical activities in Cancun so I was still trying to recover) so my immune system was pretty shaken. Oh and to add to it, I skipped my vitamin regimen for the whole time I was in Cancun. Double Whammie. 

So pretty much from Wednesday up til Sunday, I was sick. Wednesday - Friday was the worst. I had the classic sinus pressure, headache, super chills and fever, nausea, and loss of appetite. One thing that I thank God about was that I had no vomiting or diarrhea. I would probably be stuck with an IV with fluids hanging. Boo. I pretty much thank God for giving me health back, even though it's coming back slowly!

Also during my sick time, Chimmy was pretty much being my little furry guardian. He kept on wanting to climb up on to my bed & just sit next to me. Cute little stinky butt. Still bratty though.

Over the weekend, Rob came over so my little sick self was glad. But sad, because we had to kinda limit our personal space due to my illness. He brought me soup and a "get well soon" orchid. Why orchid? I have no idea. He didn't stay over because he didn't want to get sick but he did came back on Sunday so we can hang out. We had lunch with my parents & my newly wedded cousin & his wife which was nice for me because I finally regained my taste buds. Woo. Then Rob treated me with a 1 hr Thai Massage session, since he had a little back injury. I was like hell ya. 
the get well soon orchid

I tell you, that was one of the toughest massages ever. Stuffy nose, laying face down on the donut pillow thingy while some random Thai lady working on your back knots? It was damn hard. I had to breathe thru my mouth the whole time. Then when she told me to flip over, I was like, "HAND ME THAT DAMN KLEENEX!" Don't do massages with a stuffed up nose. Oh hell no. But overall massage was awesome. Just like in Bangkok all over again. Woo. 

I'm pretty much thankful that I have a caring boyfriend. We're going on 6 years this year, yet it feels like my love for him gets stronger & stronger. I miss him more & more every time we're apart during the week. I also find him more & more hilarious in his own weird way. Gotta love him.

Anyways, I am glad that I'm bringing TiLM back. Time to be more positive this year!



  1. Glad you're feeling better and that you're on the mend!

  2. Yay I love TiLM :) I know what you mean about the blog, I lost focus of just being myself and basically stopped blogging because it was too overwhelming to be someone else. Anyhoots, I'm glad you're feeling better and that the Pillow took care of you! Stay healthy my friend.
