Monday, February 17, 2014

Things I Love Monday: Grand Canyon

Oh hello there. I hope all of you had a great Valentine's/Presidents Day weekend. I know I did. 
First off, I thought my Le Creuset was my Valentine's Gift (yes, I like to preselect my gifts early) so when he surprised me with this little blue thing below on Vday night, I was surprised and utterly happy (and of course I had that "every kiss begins with Kay" jingle in my head)...

We decided to celebrate Valentine's with a road trip to see the good ol' Grand Canyon. We both never been there before so this was super exciting for us. The driving not so much, but we made it there safely. We left like at 5.30am. Since we were heading East, of course we were greeted by the Sun rising up, blinding our eyes.

Spot the PillowMan.

Of course had to pull over to do a photo-op with the Arizona state sign.

Then after driving for a gruesome 7+ hours (we stopped twice for food and gas), we were welcomed by the majestic Canyon. Literally we were in awe the whole time. The pictures below don't do justice. You must see it for yourself!

Since it was free entrance during Presidents Day weekend (yay), we went back the next morning before heading back home. We saw some Moose passing by. 

So we drove towards east of the Canyon and saw more awesomeness.

We also stopped at some empty land just to act silly.

We stopped at Phoenix to grab some food before heading west on I-10 and of course it was a full moon, so little Rima stopped and said a little prayer and drove back home, while Rob was sleeping away.

 It was a quick yet fun trip. We haven't roadtripped in a while (last time was to Milan, Italy), so it was nice to be able to chat and sing along to our favorite songs, eating junk food, sightseeing, having fart competitions (true couples do that, mkay) and just plain enjoying ourselves. I thank God for sending me an awesome man in my life.

I love you, LuguMan. I know we are the master of cheese, so I thank you for replaying our 2014 song over and over again. I'm not tired of it.



  1. That's gorgeous! I would love to visit the Canyons some day. Looks like such a fantastic weekend!

  2. Love it! Going on a road trip has always been on my bucket list... But I can't drive, and I don't know who wants to go with me sooo I guess it will still be a while until I do that :P Biasanya harga tiketnya berapa emang? Di deket sana banyak penginapan nggak? Do you think it's worth it to spend a night or two there?

  3. The Grand Canyon looks amazing and beautiful. I love road trips. Also, those are some pretty awesome looking gloves you've got on. ;)

  4. You two are so adventurous! I love it.
