Sunday, August 17, 2014

Things That I

So I was driving on the way home from my favorite chained farmer's market. And this phrase, "Things That I..." popped up in my head. DING DING DING... This can be a new blog series. I'm really bad in keeping a series alive (like 12 Things or TiLM) because I am an inconsistent person. I get bored easily. Oh well. It is what it is.

So for this series (it can be a link-up if you want), I will fill out the blank of "Things that I ________" with whatever topic that I want to express/talk about... and you guys can join in the fun by writing a post about the current topic. 

So for today the topic is
Things that I will miss when I go on detox.

If you are currently doing a detox, or planning to or actually completed a detox before, you can share about things that you will/had missed during a detox.

Yes, this little missy over here is doing a Liver/Gallbladder Detox starting tomorrow! I'm going thru a cleansing that consists of apple & carrot juices, super green food powder and fiber powder with raw fruits and raw veggies for snacking, which ends with this intense process of excreting gallstones. Intense? Indeed. For information on this little intense detox, you can read this blog post right here. My coworkers think I'm nuts.

1. I will miss eating processed food. I love food. Any kind of food. As you know, bread is my super weakness. I can eat bread like there's no tomorrow. Argh.
2. I will miss baking. Since I am cutting out bread, I'm cutting out baking. 
3. I will miss snacking.
4. I will miss eating meat. Oh my, I made some badass Beef Teriyaki the other day and I was thinking, "Man, I'm gonna miss this..."
5. I will miss drinking tea and cream.

Seriously my diet choices has been bad. I know (even though it's not medically confirmed) I'm sensitive to gluten, yet I still eat them. My skin has been horrible (acne) and my eczema has been flaring up like crazy. I'm tired dealing with it. Plus my fatigue has been getting worse and I know it's because of my poor diet. 

Good thing is that a coworker of mine is joining me with this detox flush. My doctor at work thinks we're crazy. 

I think we are.


1 comment:

  1. Good luck on the detox. I'd say I have a hard time giving up certain foods but that would be a lie because I gave up meet for month and I've given up baked goods for a month once too. I will say I don't like giving up certain foods though. It's just wrong. I almost tagged you in a photo I saw on IG today of some food, but realized that might be torture.
