Monday, November 12, 2012

Things I Love Monday, week 43 - 45

Good grief, I haven't done TiLM for a long ass time... I guess you have one of those times where you're just not inspired to write. Good thing I still write on my journal/planner to keep track of my life. Woo.

Just to sum things up:

  • Rob's in Shanghai, China, right now and will be traveling back to homeland, Indonesia, by the end of the week. I dropped him off on Saturday morning. Who knew saying a temporary goodbye was hard? I was doing okay until he had to go thru his gate. I was just giving him the sad face and he said, "Aw, Centil, don't cry..." Haha I couldn't help it. The waterworks were just poppin', I started laughing. He even looked sad. After saying our i-love-yous and kisses, I walked away and still cried in the car. Super weak sauce. I spent the day obsessing over the flight status on I was very happy when he texted me that he landed. We facetime'd the following morning (it's a 16 hour difference). Poo. Gawd I miss him.

  • You may recall that I wrote about going thru some rough times. All is well at the time. If it wasn't for God, my sisters and Rob, my days would be miserable. 
  • Rob & I did the Color Run!! It was bomb! I made a video... and finally, here are the pictures!
template: puglypixel
  • Right after the run, we went to the San Diego Animal Wild Park. That was pretty fun riding the tram. But I was sooooooooo tired. My legs were like jello. Not cool. 
  • Election Day was cool. It was intense watching CNN and their projections. It was crazy. Neither to say, my family are happy with the results. Nuff said.
  • I made bread. Yes, with my bread machine. Post will follow soon! Woo.
  • Rob had his 28th birthday this past Nov 8! Yay. Now we're the same age. Finally.
Then of course. My love for food never ends.

Home made Iron Skillet Pizza :)
Korean Food!!!!
Arroz con Pollo and Paella...
Fish Tacos! This was really good! San Diego is legit!
Peterson's Donuts @ Escondido. OMG. NOM fest. Huge donuts!
Huge Ass Maple Bar 
Nasi Lemak, a Malaysian Cuisine.
Chicken Pot Pie from Lazy Dog Cafe. So good. 
Mother made me Korean Ramen with Kimchi & Beef Balls. YUM.

hopefully you all have a great monday/week :)

moonbeams and bunny kisses,


  1. all the foods are making me so hungry.

  2. Agreed. My mouth watered just now because of the pictures..

  3. I want ALL that food in my mouth. I'm glad you're feeling better friend, I know dark days are never fun. I hope you and the Pillow get to facetime more while he's gone! Sending you a virtual hug for the Pillow's departure.
