Monday, April 29, 2013


i'm currently not in the mood... like for anything.

i blame the HORRIBLE diet I've been doing to myself.

i blame my LAZINESS for not doing some body movements aka working out.

i blame the Pillow's work TRAVELS for making me feel "meh" and having a slight jealousy with his life.

all i want to do is sleep. like this little man...

all i want to do is eat!

3 Cheese Sandwich and Chocolate Souffle Tea @ Tranquil Tea Lounge

Buttermilk Fried Chicken & Waffles @ Bruxie

Black & White and Red Velvet Cupcakes @ Merely Sweets

Earl Grey Macaron @ Merely Sweets

Earl Grey Madeleines that I made.

Breakfast at the Original Pantry Cafe
and to cure my longings for the Pillow, we just do this...

while he's busy working and doing these...

mimicking Jesus in Rio 

enjoying Shanghai

Going crazy in Tokyo

He applied for this Dorayaki Stand job and it seems he got it

le sigh. But don't worry peeps. I'll get my groove back on.

it's in me somewhere.

i just need to make good food choices, move around more and see dear Pillow ASAP.

ok, i'm gonna shower now. washing my hair is therapy, you know?



  1. Oh all that food looks delicious! So sorry you are in a funk though. :(

  2. So much good noms! All those places will have to go on my list for my next trip.

    Funks happen. It'll pass.

  3. Sorry to hear you're in a funk, I can relate. It's good that you know you'll get your groove back girl, I hope you get to see your man soon!
