Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Revisit: 12 Things

It's that time of the month (not that "time of the month") to Recap on 12 Things! Crazy! Seriously, March has gone by soooo fast!!

Not familiar with 12 Things? You can read about it here :)

For my last Revisit: 12 Things, click here.
2012 12 Things: here
For my Bucket List: here

As a reminder... Here are the things I want to accomplish in 2013.

  1. Attend a Baking/Bread Class.
  2. 30 days Work-Out trial.
  3. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
  4. Watch a live soccer game
  5. Try a new crafty skill
  6. Attend a Bucket List Concert: Bon Jovi, U2, Coldplay (can't get enough of them!), Celine Dion
  7. The Color Run in Los Angeles
  8. Make/Bake a Pie
  9. Take more pictures with my film cameras and create an album
  10. Swim with the Dolphins
  11. Medical Missionary
  12. Take a picture with Ariel, the Little Mermaid

Now if you compare this post with the last one, you may noticed that I crossed off 2 more things. Woo hoo. That is number 1 & 4. Both were accomplished during my Vacation. Number 1 happened in Paris and Number 4 happened in Barcelona (watched 2 games!)

Game number 1

Game number 2

making some Pain au Chocolat
Now number 3 will happen in September (while I'm in Bali!) and I really want to start on number 9. I think when Melissa is here, I'm gonna bring my Canon AE-1 to Disneyland. I may cause damage to the film hahaha... It's been that long for me to use a film camera.

Oh and number 6 will happened on 4/19! Bon Jovi, baby :)

Feel free to link up via Comments. I would love to read about your 12 things :)

bunny kisses,


  1. Oh snap, you are killing the game with everything you did this past month! Get it :)

  2. You didn't bring your film camera to Disney! Actually I didn't see that one at all. lol
