Saturday, August 31, 2013

6 Things

Oh how I love some Q&As. My bloggy BFF just tagged me on some good questions while I was away in Europe, so in this lazy Saturday night (after a crazy 4 hour nap to get used to this jet lag of mine!), with my Mum in the background playing some really depressing sound French song, I here will answer some questions from Simply Evani.

1. What is the motto/quote that defines your life?
2. Who is the most influential person in your life?
3. Favorite childhood snack?
4. What’s your favorite thing to buy that’s under $20?
5. What 3 words define your blog?
6. If you get any college major in the world, what would you choose?
7. Where is your favorite place in the world?
8. If you could break one law with no penalties, what would it be?
9. What is your favorite day of the year?

She said I can pick 6 out of the 9. Ooo toughie.

1. What is the motto/quote that defines your life?
"Everything happens for a reason". Kinda cliche but I truly believe this quote. From break-ups to hook-ups, from new life to death, from promotions to terminations, you get the gist. Anything good or bad that happens in my life, I believe there is a reason behind it, even though most of the time I may not know why. God moves in mysterious ways.
3. Favorite childhood snack?
Goldfish. ZOMG. Until now. I can eat the whole bag in one sitting, #noshame. Gah. I want some now!!!
4. What's your favorite thing to buy that's under $20?
Gurl, this is hard. I love stationaries. Good thing they are mostly under $20. I love food. Good thing A LOT of foods are under $20. I love beer. Good thing A LOT of beers are under $20. I love baking stuffs. Good thing many of them are $20 (i.e: spatula, cookie cutters, cupcake liners...)
6. If you get any college major in the world, what would you choose?
At this moment, I want to pursue a degree in Culinary. Baking all day? Yes, please
7. Where is your favorite place in the world?
Honestly, my bed. Second, the kitchen. Hahaha. 
9. What is your favorite day of the year?
My birthday and New Years Eve.

Ah, gotta love some good Q&As. Thanks, Evani


1 comment:

  1. WE ARE THE SAME PERSON. Creepy. My answers almost ALL of them, except the last one would be Christmas. Haha I totally live by the same motto. It really is so crazy how blogging brings like minded super cool awesome fantastic ladies like us together ;) Thanks for playing along girlfrannnn
