If Chimmy can talk, I know he would pat my back (or more likely lick my face like crazy).
I finally volunteered with Dogs!!! Not really an Animal Shelter like I wanted to, but super close to it :) This past Sunday, I spent my free time with the Bill Foundation. If you're not familiar with the Bill Foundation, I really really really really recommend on reading about what they do & their mission. I love their motto: It's Takes Village to Save a Life. And boy I was glad to be part of their village.
They do adoption fares every other Sunday for the month at this awesome pet food store in Santa Monica called Healthy Spot. I was actually getting kinda "star-struck" seeing all these dogs that I've been following on their Youtube and Facebook.
So as volunteers, our role is to play with the dogs and walk them around so they can do their "business" outside during the adoption fair, and also help with setting up and cleaning. The Bill Foundation crew were super friendly and great to work with. I promise myself, if possible, to volunteer with them at least once a month. My heart was filled with this compassionate love towards these dogs, and in a way, I was glad that they are getting another chance in living. Most of these dogs are being fostered, and there is one lady who fosters 12 of them. 12 DOGS! God bless her! Hopefully one day I can foster one or 2 of these dogs. If only I have a bigger house -_-

This is Carly. She was rescued from a shelter and had severe eye, ear and skin infection and poorly matted fur. You can see her before picture here. She's this little bundle of cotton that kept on jumping on my lap, just wanted to snuggle. Adorable.

This is little Freddie. This little bundle of joy was hit by a car and yet was saved. I believe due to his accident, he walks a little funny, galloping like a little pony. That doesn't stop him from running and being playful. He's super adorable.

This is Marilyn Monroe... who was saved by the great Eldad of Hope for Paws. She's such a cute with a wiggle butt. I love wiggle butt.

Oh my gosh I love this little one. His name is Benny. Little BenBen, I called him. This cotton ball was saved from the streets with severe oral infection. Because of that, he lost a lot of his teeth. But seriously he has the sweetest smile no matter what. I kept on cuddling with him. Gah.

This is Mr. Cash. This little guy is too cute. He's chubby and has this wiggle butt too. I loves to sit alone by the window, but then barks with happiness when people passed by. He just chilled on my lap for 20 minutes, almost falling asleep. Super adorbs.
Then there's Janie. You must click her video below and watch her rescue. Please. (you can read about her here)

The infamous Bethany was there (too bad I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her) which made me had that little "star-struck" feeling. You can watch her video here. Seeing her how she was and seeing her now, you can feel how love and compassion & lots of patience can change the world. I would say for both animal and human.
I would seriously like to thank the Bill Foundation for having me as a volunteer. I can't wait to do it again in October.

12 Things # 3: Checked!
doggy kisses, Rima

Yay another goal accomplished! What a great weekend spent girlfriend, I love shelter dogs so much, we have 2!! :)