Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Such a Heavenly View

Over the weekend, my sister, her husband and I attended the Rise Festival in Jean, Nevada (20 minutes from Las Vegas). And I tell you, it was one of the MOST magical moment that I have ever experience in my whole life. Even Vino, the husband, said "Honestly this was way magical than my honeymoon!" (errr...)

Despite the event was completely disorganized and kinda poorly executed (people didn't get their lanterns & yoga mat, unable to bring outside food, no strollers for kids, and not to forget the HORRIBLE transportation issue), we 3 had an amazing, breathtaking experience. Inspired by the annual Lantern Festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand, RiSE worked for a year to finally get this event approved and going on in the States. I hope with the logistic incident that happened, the creators/owners can work it out and do this festival annually.

Blue skies all around, this girl was happy.
The event was set in the middle of Mojave Desert, on a dry lake bed in Jean. Pretty neat.
Torches with yoga mats and folded lanterns ready to be written on (for your wishes and prayers)
The ambiance and vibe was very calm and chill, my sister and I couldn't help but to do a yoga pose in the middle of the desert. You just had to :P
This was a wish card. You write your hopes, dreams, prayers on it as you were to write it on your lantern, so you don't forget them. Writing them down on paper and on lantern was pretty emotional. Vino got really emotional and started to cry. I noticed people all around were doing the same thing.
Excuse my weird voice going OMG OMG, but seriously, it was mindblowing. People were cheering, screaming, clapping and actually BAWLING when the lanterns went up. If you have watched Tangled, definitely it reminded me of it. 
Seriously the photos can not justify the event. 

Seriously, it looked like the stars exploded behind me.

I really do hope they fix the problems and let this event become an annual thing. I would go again in a heartbeat! Or better yet, go to Thailand and experience Yi Peng. Whoa, another Travel BucketList!



  1. Stopping by from this linkup....this gives me chills! So beautiful!!

  2. Wow. This looks like such an incredible experience!!

  3. Wow! This is gorgeous! I love the lanterns :)

  4. Rima, your photos are gorgeous! May RiSE use them with credit to you? And we will be better next year, we promise! Email me at monicabielanko@gmail.com. Thank you!
