One thing about getting old that sucks is that your body gets old too. Wait. That sounds weird. Of course your body gets old. Whatever. Anyways, I hate the
side-effects of getting old.
Achy body parts, weird random headaches, forgetfulness, dizziness... you name it. I hate it. My mind maybe like in my late teens/early 20s, but not my body. It feels like it just hit 50 years old & getting ran over by a bunch of bulls. Lame.
Even though I'm a nurse, I work for Western Medicine, I actually don't like using Western Medicine for my own body. I'm more of the Alternative/Holistic kinda girl. I try to avoid medication as much as possible unless necessary. What sucks is that I have chronic back pain due to a back condition. I tend to pop them NSAIDs whenever it bothers me. I've been good on reducing taking those pills and opted for a heating pack instead. I love those ThermaCare 8 hr heating pack. Life savers, I say. My BFF during painful times.
Anyways, last week, I woke up with a sore & stiff neck. I was thinking if it was my pillow or my posture when I sleep. Or maybe I unintentionally injured myself at work without knowing. I don't know and it bothered me. So, I made an appointment with a Chiropractor who practices Acupuncture too.
I've never been adjusted by a Chiro, so I was pretty nervous. This is my face before being adjusted.

Can't you see the fear in my face?
But my oh my oh my. I felt so good after the doc adjusted my spine. Not only that, a massage therapist worked on this damn knot on my shoulder before I got adjusted. Oh the pain was worth it. I don't know if it's a psychological thing, but I felt so relieved when I heard this popping noises she made from my spine. I crack my knuckles like no other & "feel"relieved after I do so, hence I was all smiles after being adjusted. I was like, "Hot damn!"
Then acupuncture came. Needles. Yes, lots of needles on my back. Honestly I was nervous. But seriously it was not bad at all. It felt like quick pinches as she tapped those needles to my neck, shoulder and lower back. Not only that, she connected the needles to electrodes... pretty much like this...
It felt like twitches to the areas that were connected. Weird but okay. That session was about 20 minutes. I think I drooled at minute 17.
I felt a lot better after my first session. The doctor taught me some basic stretches to do and I've been doing them through out time, to ease of the tensions on my neck & shoulder. I scheduled another Acupuncture session again. Can't wait. Not cheap, but I'm giving it another try.
Surprisingly this office also offers cupping. Meaning this...
My cousin did this and his back looked so gross. But he said he felt good. The inner hippie in me wants to try it though. But no sexy back for awhile, hehe.
How about you? Have you ever tried any alternative treatment?