Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I know it's not Tis the Season yet...

but I just saw this commercial online and it made me super teary eyed (call me Ms. Sensitive? Plus, c'mon, it's Lily Allen singing a Keane song) and I seriously can not with for Christmas season to be here!

I love the gloominess that SoCal gets (even though I would love to experience Christmas in the snow), I love seeing the Christmas lights all up on houses (I'm a sucker for lights), listening to Christmas songs (but punk-rock covers) and just plain ol' giving.

I'm a sucker for giving out gifts. There is this sense of gratitude I get when I see my recipient's reaction when they receive my gift.

A little FYI, I do not celebrate Christmas in a religious way. For me, I see it as a Season of Giving. I'm already planning out what baked goods to give out for my friends and family. I'm thinking ways to give away some of my clothes for the victims of Typhoon Haiyan... They need it more than me. Just the simple selfless act of giving for me means more than the items that are given away. For me, if someone gives me something, it makes me happy to think that at one point, that person was thinking of me. Hence that infamous saying, "The Thought that Counts."

I'm even working on Christmas Eve and on-call for Christmas Day, because in away, I am giving away my nursing service to people who need them. I guess, one way for me to give back to the community (oh and a bonus of getting paid double for the holiday, tsk tsk).

End of the year festivities are my favorites...

Are you excited for this Holiday Season?



  1. This video has been floating around my fb feed and I absolutely love it! I didn't know Lily Allen was singing this song.

    We don't celebrate Christmas in a religious way either, but I do believe it's a Season of Giving. To give back to those whose given me so much in the last year. I'm already excited to put up my tree and get this holiday season rolling! This year I'm extremely blessed to be able to spend it with Nate since he had to miss out on last years :)

  2. The Season of Giving! Well said. I love Xmas for the same reason, I love giving gifts for my loved ones, however small, as you said the thoughts that count :)

    Looking forward to see yummy cookies recipes here (with lots of pictures to droll over of course).
