Wednesday, March 13, 2013


People. I am alive.
I made it to Paris.
Tomorrow is my Croissant class in Montmarte.

I miss Barcelona but good thing we left at the right time. It was raining hard. I think it was crying for us since we were leaving Catalonia. Barcelona will always be a place to visit again. If you're able, catch a FC Barça game. It will convert you as a new fan. If you CAN, watch a Champions League game. We witnessed an INCREDIBLE come back game for FC Barça. It was super intense, it was funny to see how nervous my boyfriend was (Soccer is his first love. So go figure). Do it.

Blogging will be scarce. I'm on vacation. I intent to enjoy it! Which means, tons of pictures coming your way.

Snow is all over Paris and it's freezing. I was totally expecting Spring-like weather, so imagine the clothes I brought. Womp womp. I have to shop for some clothes tomorrow. Boo and Yeah at the same time.

Well, I found the Locket Bridge on the Seine River, accidentally. It was on my list but to find it accidentally was amazing!

Wish me luck for my class!



  1. I hope you have an amazing time! I'm living vicariously through you. :)

  2. mmmmm croissants. I will be patiently waiting to see IG photos of your first croissants and then demand you bake me some when I come to visit. j/k. I'm glad you're having so much fun.

  3. I wanna go to the Seine so bad someday! Love following your adventures!! :)

  4. ah Paris, nice.
    be sure to check out the catacombs they're pretty cool.
