Friday, March 1, 2013

March Goals

Well well. Month 3 of 2013 is here and I can't be more excited than this. Que? My trip is around the corner!!! Aww yeah...

Well time to link up with my gurl, Melissa from Insert Sarcastic Remark Here, but first, let's recap my successful list of February.

And let me tell you, all 5 goals FAILED. Esp number 3. I've been sleeping at midnight EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I did juice, once. I did Fab Ab Feb for 7 days. I did make Macarons (does that count as Sugar Cookies?) and I did some of my Cross Stitch. Super fail. I'll just give myself 1 point.

Moving on, let's go March!

  • Enjoy my vacation: Yes I'm leaving in 6 days!
  • Make Croissants: Will be doing this in France
  • Finish a Novel: My friend loaned me her Silver Linings Playbook that she finished in 1 day! I haven't read as exciting as Hunger Games (I finished it in 8 hours) so I'm pretty stoked. 
Yes, just 3. I'm trying to keep it simple.

Gah. What are your goals?

- Rima


  1. You know ... To this day, I STILL have never ever had a macaroon!

  2. I think macaroons can be substituted for sugar cookies. I also failed at Fab Ab Feb. BUT you made an attempt, so that's something.

    Good luck with your March goals and of course thanks for linking up!

    Also I think it's funny you moved both of your sidebars to the left. I just moved both of mine to the right. LOL.

  3. i've tried and tried and tried to sleep earlier. to no avail. still.
