- I did the Color Run at the Dodgers Stadium, this time with my friends. It was funner with a group!! Then we hit up the Grove for grubbing... Where Rob photobombed a couple who were making out *gross*
- I finally finished Homeland Season 1. I'm waiting for the Second season to come out on DVD. Dank, that show is INTENSE.
- Super in Love with Rachel Khoo's Cookbook
- One Saturday night, I watched "Jiro Dream of Sushi" and I was super inspired of Jiro-san. If you haven't watch it, I recommend it.
- This month's Call was crazy. I did probably 11 hours of call-back. The paycheck was pretty though, haha. And thanks to the call back, I worked 12 Days Straight. I was sooo beat by the end of day 12.
- Finally had a date night with Rob for our Belated Valentine's Day. We haven't done it in a while due to our busy schedule and him traveling a lot. Cheesecake Factory is one of our favorite places to eat. Nom. Not only that, he brought me my favorite flower, Lilies :)
Chimmy being lazy; I made Gougeres; The lilies :) and our date night |
- Some foods that I made in February: Thin Mints Chocolate Cupcakes, Marbled Cake, Chicken Katsu, Choquettes & Gougeres & Macarons!
- And reunited with my Game Night crew!! My Santa Barbara sister was in town with her family and so was I (aka I was in Orange County), so we all decided with my Tustin sister and her hubs to have dinner. It's so nice to be together again; plus we celebrated SB's husband's birthday aka the Ex-Boyfriend. Baby Adam aka Kuma-Chan is getting cuter. I want to bite him all the time!
- I got a mole on my right eyebrow removed. It's been there for about a year. At first I thought it was a zit. So of course, being me, I popped it. Then it kept on coming back! Annoying. So finally I got it removed and it's under investigation. The Nurse Practitioner said it looks benign though. I did the biopsy before work, so I was at work all day with a bandaid over the wound. My co-worker decided to draw a smiley face. Of course, everybody, including patients, looked at me weird.
- Rob went to Chicago this month and he flew me in some deep dish Pizza. That's my man.
- And of course the brat in me decided to buy Justin Timberlake & JayZ's concert tickets. You know it. Fangirling will happen in July! Suit and Tie people.
Well, I know March is gonna be awesome. I can't wait.
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