Monday, May 28, 2012

Things I Love Monday: week 21 (Foam Edition)

Hello Bunnies!

I hope everyone is having a great memorial day weekend, because I need for sure I did. 

Since week 21 was a blur (work work work and I had to take someone's Call again *smh*). I got to hang out with my bff, Marilyn, on Tuesday since she's in town. We got to try some good food (Dino's Chicken in Pomona and of course, the Back Abbey! Burgers & Beers!) and did some retail therapy and also discovered the awesome Biscoff

In the excitement of my upcoming 5K, I decided to splurge (I swear I have a weakness for technology) on a GoPro Camera. That thing is awesome. Not only it's so small & portable, it's capability to shoot great video/pictures on the move is great. For the run, I used the Head Mount and we took turns on taking pictures/recording videos.

So the 5K Foam Fest was held in Vail Lake, in Temecula, CA. All 4 of us, Akira (I got this for his upcoming birthday, which is today!! SHOUT OUT: HAPPY BDAY!), Robert (I got this for him because  I want him to go with me, hehe), Lina (I bought an extra ticket and she was the first one to response on the freebie) and I were sooo excited. We head out to Temecula full of excitement and anticipation. None of us ever did a MudRun so of course we didn't know what to expect. One thing for sure, it was FUN. I really recommend this run. Even though I'm not that fit and the hills were KILLER, the mud and foam beat the calf burns. 

I can't explain how cool the event was so here I share you pictures. Most of them were from the GoPro but there are several that were taken by my buddy, Tim Baker, my cousin's beau, who with her (Elaine) came along to support us. They came right on the perfect time. Oh, and there's video too :)

taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker

take by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker

taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker

taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker

taken by Tim Baker

taken by Tim Baker
taken by Tim Baker

taken by Tim Baker

Bucket List: CHECK!

moonbeams & bunny kisses,



  1. That run looks SO AWESOME. I need to put that on my list to do for sure! Such a cute costume too! :) Ah love it!!!


    1. Evani! You must do it! It was so much fun. The next SoCal one is in Sept (another reason to head down?! hehe). I recommend this fun-ness.
