Friday, March 14, 2014

The Inner 5th Grader in Me Is...


Because of this...


mothereffin' SAILOR MOON!!!!
If you are a 90s child, you would probably know this iconic super hero.
She was my super hero. She was the one who I wanted to be when I was in 5th grade. 
I rush home from school, ignoring my homework and sat in front of the TV for 30 minutes, ooh-ing and aah-ing the whole time.
I even created my own Sailor Scout with me, of course, being Sailor Moon.
I watched the complete series and read the complete manga and was sad to know it ended. 
It ended well, though (spoiler: Usagi & Mamoru did get married in the present life).
I even have a crescent moon tattoo on my left wrist from a drawing from a Sailor Moon book. 

The new, series, which this article said that they are going back to the Manga and starting from scratch, so in a way it's like a whole brand new style. I'm so excited.

July must come soon!!!

moon prism power make up,


  1. holy shit! this just totally made my day!!!

  2. Awesome! I remember I loved Sailor Jupiter and I bought a Barbie doll of her... Then MY MAID STOLE IT. Can't forgive her until now.
