Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Kiss Me

No please really... you don't have to kiss me.

I'm pretty sure you are used to listening to the song Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer... Or the cover by New Found Glory (love this cover)...

Then I heard the version by Jason Walker.

Oh Em Gee. So depressing yet beautiful and haunting. Total game changer.

Excuse me while I grab my tissue box.


Monday, October 28, 2013

#boluinasia... WAIT! THIS IS POST NUMBER 500! *giveaway*

I was gonna write something about my recent travel to Asia, when I realized that this will be post number 500! *does a weird dance*

Yup. This is how I dance. Serious face included. (FACT: just showed this to my Mum and she tried to do this move. FAIL)

Btw, is giveaway still a thing in blogland? Who cares. I'm throwing one anyways. YAY.

I love Stationaries. I love to make Food. I love to Travel. I decided to giveaway a Moleskin Passion Journal: Recipe or Travel.

And a $20 giftcard to I love If you have their Prime service, then you know what I mean :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I'm feeling pretty great and pretty early on being "Tis' the Season". Why can't we be jolly earlier in the year? Hehe.

Since we are talking about food and travel, why not share to you about them two.

Here is a little video I made the other night on my trip to Thailand... It features this really cute elephant that I really wanted to take home (which is impossible, eh?)
Then in Gula&Garam, I talk about my culinary adventures I had in Indonesia. Here are some snippets of them :)

So join the fun. Hopefully you win :)


Sunday, October 27, 2013

Let's Drool Together

I'm drooling just looking at this picture. My heart belly aches looking at this. At one point in my life I had all of these fine food in front of me.

Let's drool together. Click here to see more Food of Travels, this time Indonesia, at my other blog, Gula & Garam.

I'm slowly working on my Indo & Thai pictures. There are SOOOO many of them, I don't even know how to start. It will happen. Trust me.


Thursday, October 24, 2013


No, not girlfriend, you know.
But oh haaay gurlfriend... What's cookin?
I hope it's some GF stuff. AKA Gluten-Free.

I'm on day 1 of being gluten-free. And I've spent $160 on GF food yesterday *le sigh*
Yes. I love booze so I did get some GF booze aka Berry Cider. Oh My Nom. And last night for dinner I had some random GF snacks (booze included)...
Now you're thinking why in the world I'm going gluten-free... ESPECIALLY WHEN I'M GONNA BE IN BAKING SCHOOL?!?!?! Crazy I know. But it's okay.

Reason why is... I'm trying to heal my skin homeopathic/holistically... and one of them is by going GF. I found this online and thought, "Hey, it's worth a shot". We will see how this go.

I've tried some GF brands here and there and am pretty impressed on their flavors and textures. At least they are not cardboard-like ;)

Plus I ordered 2 books by Nicole Hunn of Gluten-Free on a Shoestring and can't wait to try them out!

I need to bring down the cost because it's cray cray expensive... Esp the breads/pastries. You know me. Bread is my weakness.

Wish me luck. I want to heal.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


First off, I would like to give props to the Pillow. He is such an sport. Despite the busy work load he has, he took time and actually forced me to attend a concert to a band that he DOESN'T even listen to (I swear, he's too embarrassed to say that he probably doesn't even know the band). 

Forced? Yup. On the day of the concert, I actually wanted to bail out last minute. (meanwhile, last week I was so excited!) Why? Because I got General Admission Floor (I realized that I wanted seats instead on the last minute) and I spent the whole day reading about bread recipes. I was thiiiisssss close to cancel my concert date to Paramore and wanted to stay home and bake bread. Yes. To Bake Bread.

And I thank God for not baking bread. I had soooo much fun. I literally was reliving my college years. I remember listening to Paramore while studying Nursing crap and doing this...
Yes, I like to pose with my friends, go to concerts and do emo shit. Hahahahaha... you know, fixing your emo bangs, apply thick eyeliners & do that classic myspace pose. Oh gosh. 

I think we've all went thru that phase, right?

Anyways, off to Honda Center in Anaheim we went. Rob was actually excited. After we got in to the stadium, I got giddy. 
Good thing that the GA Floor was not full!!! The aging girl in me got excited. Hahaha... I had a bad foot, so I found super convenient spot for me and did not blocked my view. Super Win. Despite the bad foot, I jumped around like crazy and danced. Meanwhile, Rob was busy taking pictures. Haha.
Paramore did not disappoint. This is my 3rd time seeing them. Seeing them from Warped Tour to opening for No Doubt and now highlighting their own tour, it's pretty awesome. It's like I've seen Ms. Hailey Williams grown up to be a great female performer. Her vocals are amazing. Not a lot of performers who can actually sing, still head bang and run around the stage while keeping the audience amped up. She is a really great band leader.
Singing to their classics to their new songs, at the same time jumping and dancing and actually head bang myself makes me realize how much I love going to concerts and music festivals. I just need to tone it down on the jumping. My plantar fascitis acted up. GAWD, I'm falling apart.

Look what I found? A picture of Paramore at Warpred Tour 2007 :)
This is the picture I took before I crowd surfed. Yes, I crowd surfed... because I couldn't breathe. Haha. Thanks to 5 big dudes. I almost suffocated to death, almost got caught in a mosh pit, and needed air. So I tapped to one of those dudes to lift me up... and there I was... being brought up to the front to my safety... to the music of Paramore.

Have you seen a band/singer that you've seen multiple times and still is impressed? I'm glad I have :)


Monday, October 21, 2013

Chimmy's Corner

Oh hey there people. It's been a long time since Mum let me express my wuff feelings on her blog. She's been selfish *licks paws*
While she was busy working, traveling the world and baking, I just lay around all day... sleeping underneath G-Ma's bed, snuggling with my little pink porky.
While Mum is busy doing things, I like to just guard G-Ma's room, just being my lazy old butt, by the door, farting around until G-Ma gets mad.
Sometimes I like to pose with G-Ma, who's a slight camera whore. She likes posing in the grass with me, of course, after I pee and rub my wee-wee clean all over her jeans without her knowing.
Also, I like to listen to G-Ma and Great G-Ma gossiping. My opinions count, you know.
G-Ma loves the computer, especially her Facebook, sometimes more than me... So to distract her, I just go close to her and fart on her until she gets really mad and I just smile. This is my not guilty face.
Then when Mum is around and just lounging on the couch, I like to challenge her on a staring contest. I win all the time. I give her a fierce & intense stare. I see her soul.
But of course, I love when Mum takes me for a ride in her car. I feel like Meaty the dog in this video clip. It's indeed The Best Day of my Life

Well til then non-furry human. I'm going to continue and lay & fart around my castle.

Doggy Kisses,

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Le Sigh: I dislike getting old

One thing about getting old that sucks is that your body gets old too. Wait. That sounds weird. Of course your body gets old. Whatever. Anyways, I hate the side-effects of getting old.

Achy body parts, weird random headaches, forgetfulness, dizziness... you name it. I hate it. My mind maybe like in my late teens/early 20s, but not my body. It feels like it just hit 50 years old & getting ran over by a bunch of bulls. Lame.

Even though I'm a nurse, I work for Western Medicine, I actually don't like using Western Medicine for my own body. I'm more of the Alternative/Holistic kinda girl. I try to avoid medication as much as possible unless necessary. What sucks is that I have chronic back pain due to a back condition. I tend to pop them NSAIDs whenever it bothers me. I've been good on reducing taking those pills and opted for a heating pack instead. I love those ThermaCare 8 hr heating pack. Life savers, I say. My BFF during painful times.

Anyways, last week, I woke up with a sore & stiff neck. I was thinking if it was my pillow or my posture when I sleep. Or maybe I unintentionally injured myself at work without knowing. I don't know and it bothered me. So, I made an appointment with a Chiropractor who practices Acupuncture too.

I've never been adjusted by a Chiro, so I was pretty nervous. This is my face before being adjusted.

Can't you see the fear in my face?

But my oh my oh my. I felt so good after the doc adjusted my spine. Not only that, a massage therapist worked on this damn knot on my shoulder before I got adjusted. Oh the pain was worth it. I don't know if it's a psychological thing, but I felt so relieved when I heard this popping noises she made from my spine. I crack my knuckles like no other & "feel"relieved after I do so, hence I was all smiles after being adjusted. I was like, "Hot damn!"

Then acupuncture came. Needles. Yes, lots of needles on my back. Honestly I was nervous. But seriously it was not bad at all. It felt like quick pinches as she tapped those needles to my neck, shoulder and lower back. Not only that, she connected the needles to electrodes... pretty much like this...

It felt like twitches to the areas that were connected. Weird but okay. That session was about 20 minutes. I think I drooled at minute 17.

I felt a lot better after my first session. The doctor taught me some basic stretches to do and I've been doing them through out time, to ease of the tensions on my neck & shoulder. I scheduled another Acupuncture session again. Can't wait. Not cheap, but I'm giving it another try.

Surprisingly this office also offers cupping. Meaning this...
My cousin did this and his back looked so gross. But he said he felt good. The inner hippie in me wants to try it though. But no sexy back for awhile, hehe.

How about you? Have you ever tried any alternative treatment?


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wunderlust: Link-Up

True Colours

Theme: Color

Today I'm going to link up with Casey of True Colours. Since the theme of the month is Colors, what pops in to my head when I hear or read the word COLOR is... World of Color of California Disney, California. I think Evani would agree to that ;)

As a So-Californian, sometimes I like to play local tourist and head out to Disneyland (and yes I have an Annual Pass). The PillowMan has yet to see World of Color so this past weekend we did a quick date (and an expensive quick date... for him, tee hee) to California Disney. First thing you want to do is get a Fast Pass for World of Color to get the best standing view and get there (with your food & beverage, of course) right when they open the line. You really want to avoid standing behind a tall guy, especially if this tall guys puts his kid on his shoulder. Seriously. 

And trust me, you will be amazed with this almost-20-minute production. You got water, you got fire, and you got light. You got COLOR. The music, snippets of your favorite Disney characters along with their infamous songs, will really rake up your emotions. There is always this one scene in the production that I can't help but to shed a tear. 

The PillowMan's opinion? "That was pretty nice!" Yes, we got his approval. (fyi: he is very hard to impress). 

Disney alone is pretty colorful. It's filled with bright colors and happy tones. Of course, they aim to be the "Happiest Place on Earth". I still get giddy and grind ear to ear whenever I walk into their gates.

^ yes. Margarita in Disney.

^ this is the PillowMan's swag face. I can't help but to LOL

^ he makes the silliest faces

^ working on his catwalk walk

Yes, Disney is what I think when I hear the word Color!
