Saturday, August 31, 2013

6 Things

Oh how I love some Q&As. My bloggy BFF just tagged me on some good questions while I was away in Europe, so in this lazy Saturday night (after a crazy 4 hour nap to get used to this jet lag of mine!), with my Mum in the background playing some really depressing sound French song, I here will answer some questions from Simply Evani.

1. What is the motto/quote that defines your life?
2. Who is the most influential person in your life?
3. Favorite childhood snack?
4. What’s your favorite thing to buy that’s under $20?
5. What 3 words define your blog?
6. If you get any college major in the world, what would you choose?
7. Where is your favorite place in the world?
8. If you could break one law with no penalties, what would it be?
9. What is your favorite day of the year?

She said I can pick 6 out of the 9. Ooo toughie.

1. What is the motto/quote that defines your life?
"Everything happens for a reason". Kinda cliche but I truly believe this quote. From break-ups to hook-ups, from new life to death, from promotions to terminations, you get the gist. Anything good or bad that happens in my life, I believe there is a reason behind it, even though most of the time I may not know why. God moves in mysterious ways.
3. Favorite childhood snack?
Goldfish. ZOMG. Until now. I can eat the whole bag in one sitting, #noshame. Gah. I want some now!!!
4. What's your favorite thing to buy that's under $20?
Gurl, this is hard. I love stationaries. Good thing they are mostly under $20. I love food. Good thing A LOT of foods are under $20. I love beer. Good thing A LOT of beers are under $20. I love baking stuffs. Good thing many of them are $20 (i.e: spatula, cookie cutters, cupcake liners...)
6. If you get any college major in the world, what would you choose?
At this moment, I want to pursue a degree in Culinary. Baking all day? Yes, please
7. Where is your favorite place in the world?
Honestly, my bed. Second, the kitchen. Hahaha. 
9. What is your favorite day of the year?
My birthday and New Years Eve.

Ah, gotta love some good Q&As. Thanks, Evani


Thursday, August 29, 2013

And I am Back...

Just wanted to say a quick hello!

I made it back to the States alive and well... Well, with a slight headache and jet lag, feeling like I have a really bad hangover (surprisingly I only drank a whole bottle of wine during this trip. Yes. Just a whole bottle. In one sitting. #nbd)

Be prepare. I'm gonna show you some more pictures during the week. Can't wait to show all of you :)

Here's a little preview :)

ciao ciao,

Friday, August 23, 2013

I'm on a train...

To Zurich Flughafen.
No, I am not leaving Switzerland yet. We're on route to pick up a car and will drive down for 2.5 hrs to Lugado. In the middle of the night. I am indeed dating a crazy man. I don't know how I can handle this drive... Especially we will be driving thru the Alps.

Oh dear God be with us. 

In the meantime, here I share you some pictures. Yay.

Oh btw, I even hashtagged my trip on instagram. Search for #boluineurope

ps: i am using the ipad app for blogger. The format of this post may be wack...  *edited :)*

Ciao ciao,

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Oh hello...

I'm in London Heathrow now and I am HUNGRY.

I still have like 2-3 hours til I board on my next flight to Zurich.

Sitting here in next to all the Brits really makes me wanna have a British Accent. 

Just wanted to pop by and say Hi!

Gladly to arrive safely in Londontown. Can't wait to explore a little bit of it when I'm on my way to LA.


- Rima

ps: I need a crumpets and tea! Or Fish and Chips? or a Spotted Dick?

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Oooh Yes...

So yesterday I dropped off #TheTravelingPillow at LAX. And yes, he left to Europe. I accompanied him when he checked in with Lufthansa. What was awesome that he got upgraded to First Class (I was like, "is this life?") because of his milage status with United Airlines. Must be nice. He was oblivious about it, while I did listened to the clerk saying "First Class this First Class that"... It even said on his ticket, which he thought it was just FIRST for boarding in to the plane. When he finally boarded (I was on my way home) he was like, "You were right!! I got upgraded to First Class!!!!" *cue Excitement*

I wonder how it is to fly first class. Anyways, this time I wasn't too sad saying goodbye to him... Because I, myself, am catching a plane this Tuesday after work at the same airport to see this little Pillow of mine. Matter of fact, I already packed my suitcase... #anallyprepared. But I won't see him til Thursday evening.

I will be flying to Zurich first and staying, airbnb-style, at some random Asian guy's living room for a night, and will be roaming around Zurich alone and then catch a train down to Neuchâtel, where the Pillow is working.

Then for the weekend, we will be driving up to Lucerne and then Milan, Italy. Then to Geneva and then I fly back to LA, with a long layover in London, where I got my ticket for the Heathrow Express and Double Decker Bus Tour. Woo.

This is gonna be a tiring week but it's gonna be all worth it! Can't wait!

He didn't like me taking that picture. Oh well, boo. You're dating a blogger.

Can't wait to share pictures. Follow me on Instagram to see pictures of this vacay :)


Monday, August 12, 2013

Volunteering with Bill Foundation

If Chimmy can talk, I know he would pat my back (or more likely lick my face like crazy).

I finally volunteered with Dogs!!! Not really an Animal Shelter like I wanted to, but super close to it :) This past Sunday, I spent my free time with the Bill Foundation. If you're not familiar with the Bill Foundation, I really really really really recommend on reading about what they do & their mission. I love their motto: It's Takes Village to Save a Life. And boy I was glad to be part of their village.

They do adoption fares every other Sunday for the month at this awesome pet food store in Santa Monica called Healthy Spot. I was actually getting kinda "star-struck" seeing all these dogs that I've been following on their Youtube and Facebook.

So as volunteers, our role is to play with the dogs and walk them around so they can do their "business" outside during the adoption fair, and also help with setting up and cleaning. The Bill Foundation crew were super friendly and great to work with. I promise myself, if possible, to volunteer with them at least once a month. My heart was filled with this compassionate love towards these dogs, and in a way, I was glad that they are getting another chance in living. Most of these dogs are being fostered, and there is one lady who fosters 12 of them. 12 DOGS! God bless her! Hopefully one day I can foster one or 2 of these dogs. If only I have a bigger house -_-

This is Carly. She was rescued from a shelter and had severe eye, ear and skin infection and poorly matted fur. You can see her before picture here. She's this little bundle of cotton that kept on jumping on my lap, just wanted to snuggle. Adorable.

This is little Freddie. This little bundle of joy was hit by a car and yet was saved. I believe due to his accident, he walks a little funny, galloping like a little pony. That doesn't stop him from running and being playful. He's super adorable.

This is Marilyn Monroe... who was saved by the great Eldad of Hope for Paws. She's such a cute with a wiggle butt. I love wiggle butt.

Oh my gosh I love this little one. His name is Benny. Little BenBen, I called him. This cotton ball was saved from the streets with severe oral infection. Because of that, he lost a lot of his teeth. But seriously he has the sweetest smile no matter what. I kept on cuddling with him. Gah.

This is Mr. Cash. This little guy is too cute. He's chubby and has this wiggle butt too. I loves to sit alone by the window, but then barks with happiness when people passed by. He just chilled on my lap for 20 minutes, almost falling asleep. Super adorbs.

Then there's Janie. You must click her video below and watch her rescue. Please. (you can read about her here)

Janie looks very healthy now and is able to run around like no other. She still has trust issues with human (according to her foster dad, who's btw is super awesome), but apparently she did very well at the adoption fair. And this is her now...
Isn't she super cute??!?! I can't believe why a human being would ran over a dog. Shameful. I hope one day the person that did this realized how awful their action was.

The infamous Bethany was there (too bad I didn't get a chance to take a picture of her) which made me had that little "star-struck" feeling. You can watch her video here. Seeing her how she was and seeing her now, you can feel how love and compassion & lots of patience can change the world. I would say for both animal and human.

I would seriously like to thank the Bill Foundation for having me as a volunteer. I can't wait to do it again in October.
I encourage you to donate to Bill Foundation and Hope for Paws so they can continue to do what they do. And please spay and neutered your pets. Overpopulation is not great and increases the chance of unnecessary killing and stray pets. And PLEASE ADOPT if you're considering getting a pet. Those sheltered animals deserve a second chance. I hope I can have the chance to adopt soon.

  12 Things # 3: Checked!

 doggy kisses, Rima


 See that? Click here to find out more!

Friday, August 9, 2013

*bitter*: a rant.

today sucks.

1. Work sucks today because we were short staff towards lunch (1 nurse was on vacation & 2 nurses had to leave early), so I had to work thru lunch, stomach growling (I only had a shake & a cup of coffee all morning), the room was like Alaska during a cold winter (I've never been to Alaska during a cold winter. Never been to Alaska, period), to top it all off, the paperwork that was needed for this specific procedure that I was doing was not completed/missing. I was getting SOOOO FRUSTRATED. You never mess with a hungry girl in a super cold ass room with paperworks that was not completed. I had no one to help me, I was in a slight panic mode. Adrenalines kicked in and it was not pretty. I literally yelled at one of my co-workers on the phone because he did not pick up his damn phone.

I tried to keep my cool as much as I kind, but I was pretty much like,

Thank goodness, my fellow frustrated Nurse buddy helped me with this missing paperwork. She got a hold of the right people. So I was like yay. But then the people delivered the wrong paperwork, which of course added the frustration more.

After the case was done, I decided to say, "IDGAF right now, let me eat"... I was so shaky from the adrenaline rush, it was not even funny.

Thank goodness one of the nurses that left came back and took care of the damn paperwork. Geez.

2. The Pillow will be stuck in Memphis til possibly Monday... Meaning, I won't see him... Till possibly in Switzerland... which is like in 11 days. I'm super proud of this homey but damn work is torturing our quality time.

Funny thing that his Director (his boss's boss's boss) told him that they are willing to fly me over to Memphis, on company's pay for the weekend. I was like HAAAAAAYYYY, but then... I will be so damn tired on Monday (and I'm call). So I kindly declined. A straight flight is 4.5 hours from CA to TN. On the flip side, HEY, I will be in Switzerland in 11 days. Aw yeah.

Anyways, ending the rant now.

Have a good weekend.


Thursday, August 8, 2013


ice cream yummy avocado

I made this today after work. If you follow me on instagram, you know what this is.

For the recipe, head on to my food blog, gula&garam :)


Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tell Them...

You love them as much as possible and mean it.

A good friend of mine loss her father today unexpectedly from a massive heart attack. He was a nice good ol' man. I can't imagine her thinking process when she received the news. My mum said he was still at church this past Saturday, happy and all.

Funny how things like death acts as a wake-up call. It made me realized (again) that life is too short. You will never know when your time is up in Earth. Or your loved ones.

Hold tight to the ones you love. Tell them you love them, and mean it. Act nice to others. You always want to leave a good impression. Stay close to God (or to whatever you believe in) and surrender.

Rest in Peace, Mr. Silalahi.

- Rima

Sunday, August 4, 2013

So Mother Bolu Gave Birth...

...and Gula&Garam was born.

I was browsing around on some potential cafe/bakery ideas (a girl can dream, right?) and for some reason Gula & Garam popped up.

First, y'all like, WTF IS GULA & GARAM?

I'm Indonesian, so I like to stick to my roots on incorporating some Indo words in my world.

gula = sugar
garam = salt

I love me some Sweets and I love me some Savories.

What's the focus on G&G? Strictly about FOOD (#foodporn rejoice!).

So Bolu will not have recipes or food reviews anymore and those will migrate to G&G. Bolu will still have pictures of food when it's incorporated in a blog post. Bolu will be more like my lifestyle/savinglives/wannabenomad blog. Personal things. G&G will be my outlet for one of things that I'm super passionate about, food. As a future culinary/pastry student (this will happen, people!!!), I would like to have a separate outlet just focusing on food & drinks. Ok mainly more food.

So G&G is still a baby, so be kind, eh?

Feel free to visit Gula&Garam. It's on bloglovin' too :)


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Oh hay

Oh hay people. You may noticed that I haven't been actively blogging lately.

Pretty much work has drained the crap out of me (I'm in search for a new job) and I've been having that writers block for the past month. Also, I'm pretty much busy planning up my upcoming travels (Europe in August & Asia in September).

And I'm researching on some Baking/Pastry Schools in the LA area that I'm planning to apply for in the Winter. Yes, people... My dream is coming closer.

So yes, I may be in a semi-hiatus from the Blog, it's because I'm trying to just live. Blogging was originally a side hobby of mine just to share my thoughts and ideas and rants.

Don't worry. I'm still here.

So is Chimmy.
