Sunday, August 4, 2013

So Mother Bolu Gave Birth...

...and Gula&Garam was born.

I was browsing around on some potential cafe/bakery ideas (a girl can dream, right?) and for some reason Gula & Garam popped up.

First, y'all like, WTF IS GULA & GARAM?

I'm Indonesian, so I like to stick to my roots on incorporating some Indo words in my world.

gula = sugar
garam = salt

I love me some Sweets and I love me some Savories.

What's the focus on G&G? Strictly about FOOD (#foodporn rejoice!).

So Bolu will not have recipes or food reviews anymore and those will migrate to G&G. Bolu will still have pictures of food when it's incorporated in a blog post. Bolu will be more like my lifestyle/savinglives/wannabenomad blog. Personal things. G&G will be my outlet for one of things that I'm super passionate about, food. As a future culinary/pastry student (this will happen, people!!!), I would like to have a separate outlet just focusing on food & drinks. Ok mainly more food.

So G&G is still a baby, so be kind, eh?

Feel free to visit Gula&Garam. It's on bloglovin' too :)



  1. Yesssssss! I am soooo excited with this direction you're taking!!! And I love the name :)

  2. Exciting! love the symbolism behind the name!
