Thursday, November 14, 2013

Let It Snow: DIY Mason Jar Snow Globe

 Who doesn't love snow globes? You know, growing up in the tropics, a girl can dream that she is having a White White Christmas with a snow globe, while it's super duper humid outside. A snow globe can sometimes be an escape from the real world, especially when things are kinda bad.

But, customizing your own snow globe ON A BUDGET is pretty bad ass. I'm pretty sure you've seen lots of tutorials out there on how to make your own snow globe, especially on Pinterest. But oh hay, I want to share one too. Why not? Join the club!

I love polar bears so for my little mason jar globe, I picked a snazzy white polar bear as my captive. Along with some Christmas Trees. 
Things you need:
Waterproof Glue - I opted for the insane Gorilla Glue
Mason Jar - any size would do, but I recommend Wide Mouth jars
Glycerin - this would give that flowy affect for the glitters
Plastic toys, trees, action heros, legos, whatever flows your boat
First, glue your toys to the lid of the jar. Let them dry completely. 
Fill your jar with water (leave a little room of space) and add several drops of glycerin. Not too much, though. You don't want your water to get all thick. Gross.
Add glitter. 
And watch the glitter goooooooooooooooooo...
Oh and add more glitter. I like two tone colors. I decided to get mermaid colors. Because they are pretty.
Once your toys are completely glued on to the lid, flip it over and place on top of the jar.
Now close the jar completely & tightly (option: you can glue the outer ring to the jar if you want to). Hi upside down bear!
Flip over and enjoy!
This bear is fierce.

oh and haaay I made a quick clip on instagram :)

I'm super excited to do more of these. I think it would be a fun gift for the holidays. And talk about affordable! I'm actually going to make on right now for the Pillow... with Iron Man in it :)



  1. glitter in a snow globe used to get me really excited when i was a kid. it's just so pretty

  2. Omg! This is ah-mazing!!! I have to give this a try soon!! I love snowglobes!!!

    p.s. Please email me your address. Thanks ;)

  3. I want to make one with a little Fox in where would I get a figurine that looks like him? Haha

  4. Ah I totally want to have a snow globe making party now - so cute, especially in the mason jar!
