Monday, December 23, 2013

2013, you've been good to me...

As the end of the year 13 approaching up soon, I would like to look back & reflect on how awesome 2013 has been to me. I hope it has been awesome to you too.


I kinda saved 2 street dogs from my hospital's street. It felt good, yet so said when I had to take them to the animal shelter. Thank God, they were a no-kill shelter. Relieved that they got adopted.
My friend, Gaby, and I were able to attend the Ellen show... but from the side room. Hah, but we were lucky because since we were in the side room, we were given guaranteed tickets for another upcoming show. Now that's awesome. Gotta love Ellen!

Did a Color Run again! This time in Los Angeles, at the Dodgers Stadium. Twas fun. My legs were dying.


I step my stinky feet for the first time in European soil. And it was magnificant. Oh Barcelona and Paris, I love y'all!


My birth month!! And luckily I was able to spent the day with Melissa, Evani & Gaby. It was fun! Unfortunately, the Pillow was in Sao Paolo at the time, but he did facetime me :) Bisous. I kinda forgave him because he gave me something from my wishlist!


The Pillow & I celebrated our 5th year being together. In the beginning it started with Iron Man, and we finished the celebration with Iron Man 3. We love our Robert (Downey Jr).
And dorky me purchased 2 tickets for Coachella 2014. Oh my oh my oh my. I better not get high for second hand Mary Jane.


Father's Day month and I celebrated by giving him my signature back slap. Poor Pops.
So end of June was the Super Moon, so being the moon freak that I am, I dragged poor Chimmy's butt to catch the Super Moon rising. 


The little Arabic in me was ecstatic when I went to a Middle Eastern wedding. I love ethnic weddings. Just being exposed to different culture is so great.
Because I'm a woman of celebration, The Pillow & I celebrated another anniversary on July 8th. 2 years of awesomeness.
And of course, being the big gLeek I am, I was heartbroken when I heard the news of Cory Monteith's sudden passing. I was sad for days. True Story.
Rob and I love JayZ (and I secretly like Justin Timberlake. Not LOVE, just like). So we went to the Legends of the Summer tour at Rosebowl, Pasadena. I cried a little.


Volunteered with the Bill Foundation on a sunny Sunday in Santa Monica, and it was such a great experience playing with this dogs. I fell in love with all of them. I've been watching their rescue videos, so seeing these dogs in person was so cool.
I went on a impromptu trip to Switzerland to visit my dear PillowMan. It was fun!!! We also went to Milan for the weekend, and on the way back home, I had a long layover in London (which made me really happy). 


This was the BIG vacation. Being gone from home for 3 weeks was great. I did miss my little Stinky Butt, but being able to travel back to Asia was awesome. Especially I haven't been back to Indonesia since I moved to the States in 2001! Had a little culture shock, I say! Bali was amazing, just like how I remembered as a kid. And Thailand... oh my... my new love. I can't get enough of Thailand. I just visited Bangkok & Phuket. I literally want to spend like 6 months there and roam around. Waaah.


Got to see one of my favorite band, Paramore. Seeing the band grow in to what they are now, I can I say that I am still impressed with Hayley Williams voice. Girl can sing. 
And I went gluten free. I still cheat, here and there (esp when I bake. C'mon here...), but I do notice some skin sensitivity when I consume too much wheat. Crazy!


Being a local tourist is fun, and I really do encourage that! We hiked up towards the Hollywood sign and that was a hike I say (mind you, I'm in no fit shape at all). It's actually an easy hike, I'm just complaining, hehehe.
We celebrated Rob's birthday in Los Angeles (again, being local tourist) and now I can say we have the same age!
And of course, Thanksgiving!!! We did our annual luncheon at a nearby hotel. Unfortunately not all of my family members were able to come, but just being around them and chit-chatting was great. Family is important!
Meanwhile, Rob was busy traveling the world. This was him during Thanksgiving weekend in Morocco.

As I was sipping my Red Velvet Hot Chocolate from Coffee Bean, I was excited on my New Years Eve trip to Cancun. 

Other than that for December, I just hope to end 2013 in a nice, non-stressful way. I actually want to chill. I don't know if it's the impending 30 year old in me (oh my, in April!). My family was just recently hit with the flu (me, my Dad, my mom -> she got both respiratory flu and stomach flu!), so just being in good health would be great to end the year. I'm still feeling queasy as we speak (I'm really hoping it's not the stomach flu!), but I am Thankful for being alive.

I am Thankful to God for blessing me with these great memories in 2013. 

Now I am ready to embrace and to start writing new stories for 2014!

Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 
I don't celebrate Christmas, so Happy Season of Giving!



  1. What a great year you've had! Hope you and the family have a great Christmas and get better soon!! <3

    1. gurlfriendddd... hope you and your family have a great holiday season :)

  2. Seems like you had a great year! Gotta say I'm jealous you went to Barcelona AND to the stadium! So crazy you didn't visit Indonesia in more than 10 years!!! Keluarga semuanya di US ya? Happy New Year to you!
    Btw, I think I commented on your About page, but let me say it again, I'm SO glad finding other Indonesian in the blogosphere! So rare!

    1. Yup. Haven't visited Indo in over 10 years til September kemaren! Parah. Dari dulu janji mau pulang, gak jadi*, akhirnya jadi... Even though I regret only spending 4 days in Jakarta. Kurang banget. Iya, all of my family are in the US, only some relatives in Jakarta. Eh ayo donk ke Barcelona. Hahaha... Keren bgt!

      Plus I am happy too to meet a fellow Indo in the blogland. YAY!

  3. Your year was jam packed. I'm glad I got to be apart of it. You're such a huge inspiration. I need to find my travel plants so I can do some traveling too.

  4. What an amazing year, and that's an understatement! I'm especially intrigued by the traveling, what an experience (I'm assuming).

    I, too, attended the Legends of the Summer concert & I have to say, it changed my life. ♥♥ Well I hope the last couple days in 2013 do you justice, can't wait for what's to come in 2014!!

    xo. Christine

    1. thanks Christine!!! And yes that concert was AH-MAZING. Both performers delivered!!! Hope you have a great New Years too :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Well well well.. someone had a fabulous year I see (@@)

    You are jealous of me?? I want YOUR life! You went to Paris and Milan man !! I am going through your archives. stat!

  7. Wtf! How did I miss this recap! 2013 was an awesome year for you Rima!! I am determined to make your yearly recap either this year or next year. It's going down :)
