Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Little Arabic in Me is Happy

Why? Because the PillowMan (aka #thetravellingpillow on instagram) was able to achieve is goal this past Thanksgiving by visiting Morocco. The little goal of his is to hit 6 continents in 1 year, which makes Morocco #5 for Africa. His #6 will be Australia at the end of the year. Lucky him.

Why the Arabic in me was happy? Because he was able to embrace some Arabic culture that I want to experience myself. A little trivia: I have Arabic blood in me (thanks Great G-Ma).

During his trip, he was able to WhatsApp me some pictures whenever he was able to get WiFi (does anyone use that app? Super handy!). I was jealous, I tell you.

He's trying to embrace his artistic side
Inside of one of his hotel in Ouarzazate
Super loving the details!
Hello Sahara Desert!
I want to hug this camel
Rob with his tour guide and driver

Rob said that he had an amazing experience in Morocco. He was able to take naps at a tent in the middle of the desert, enjoyed some awesome couscous & chicken tajine (which he got me a small bottle of) & Moroccan Mint Tea (which I got a small bag of! Yum!), witness a little old Moroccan Lady make carpets and purses (which he got me one) and pretty much enjoy & embraced a different culture. 

I would love to visit Morocco. I'm actually thinking on volunteering there next year, so it's in the plans. 

Oh one thing that made me little happy and giggly that he is so in to this song now, thanks to the long drives from the desert to Marrakech.

I'm gonna secretly make this his alarm clock on his iPhone *sneak attack*

Wa alaykumu s-salam (وعليكم السلام),

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