Tuesday, February 12, 2013

So I have a Store...

on Society6.com!

Some of you know, I love taking pictures. That's a side hobby of mine, especially back in the days.

So I when I read about Society6 thanks to a close friend, I was like, "haaay... If people like what I photograph, why not make some profit out of it?!?!?!"

I thought, why not sell some of my pieces of art to the public and save the profit out of it for my I-want-to-pay-off-my-debt-so-I-can-go-to-Pastry-School Fund (btw, Melissa, the hello kitty can you gave, is FULL!)

One was official picked by the website to be sold in their official store. It's the Roadtrip.

If you do purchase any of them, I thank you from the bottom of this wannabe baker heart.

bunny kisses,

1 comment:

  1. FULL already! *high five* I love it. Are you going to empty it out and put it in the bank so you can fill it up again?
