Sometimes you get inspired by other bloggers. In my case, I'm inspired by both of them. They both have their version of blog post about things they want, need, are wearing/listening/eating/reading/etc. Lauren does a weekly Currently post and James just started her Want, Need, Wear, Read, inspired by her children.
I think that's brillz.
Lauren has 13 categories, while James has 4.
I'm being a rebel and I love number 7. I'm going with 7, y'all. I'm gonna touch the 5 human senses, and then some.
This is What I...
- See: My cluttered bed that I'm soon to fall asleep on to
- Taste: The green juice I made for dinner. It lingers.
- Smell: My clean shampooed hair. It smells like Sweet Pea from Bath and Body Works because I indeed sprayed some on my hair.
- Hear: The LA Lakers game from my brother's room.
- Touch: My still damped hair.
- Want: a big fat juicy burger with some Belgium beer.
- Need: a good sleep.
oh I love this! great idea, Rima!