Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sur La Table Wishlist: Donut Edition

Mmmm... Donuts... The classic American go-to breakfast food. Ok... next to pancakes, bagels, toast-eggs-bacon, waffles, fried rice (wait, that's Indonesian). I love donuts. Mr. Pillow loves donuts too. We get that at least once a week at my work place, which is dangerous... I can never resist a maple bar or long john. Oh my.

Anyways, I was at Barnes & Nobles over the weekend, and being the true wanna be baker I am, I head to the food magazines... and I was the March edition of Saveur. I was slapped with this cover...


Uh... Best donuts? Hello I'm sooo there. Look how scrumptious that pink donut looks *drool* This was pretty much me when I saw the cover...

So of course I had to get the magazine! What I love about Saveur is that it has RECIPES! Yes... And in this issue it has 28 donut recipes. OmG. I've never made donuts before from scratch so as I browse thru the recipes, I can hear my stomach growling. Grrr... Today at work, during my downtime, I flipped thru the magazine and was thinking on making some donuts... But I don't have some of the supplies needed. Of course, I look up Sur La Table! Seriously, we need a SLT in Rancho Cucamonga! Pleaseee...

  1. Wilton® Standard Doughnut Pan
  2. Ateco® Stainless Steel Donut Cutter, 2½"
  3. Stainless Steel Crank-Handle Sifter, 5 cup
  4. Sur La Table® Candy & Deep Fry Thermometer

Mmm... Can you believe how yummy it is having fresh donuts from your own kitchen? Girl, get the coffee pot ready 'cause that's some serious ME time for me. I'll be all, "GRRRR... DON'T BOTHER ME I'M EATING!" Precious time, people.

Now if only donuts can be low to no calories at all. Mmm... That's heaven right there.

So what's your favorite donut? I'm pretty simple. Give me a maple bar, long johns or simple glaze anytime!


disclaimer: bolu by rima is affiliated with sur la table. this post is 100% my own idea/wish-list. bolu by rima is NOT affiliated with Saveur Magazine.


  1. I love donuts, they are one of my favorite treats. :)

  2. I love donuts! I like like just the plain glazed and chocolate cake donuts. I haven't had a donut in a looooong time. I think I may have to treat myself this week.

  3. mmm I haven't had donuts in over a year, but my go to is the pink glaze with sprinkles. What can I say, sprinkles makes me happy :) I also like original glazed from Krispy Kreme.

  4. Donuts have been on my to-make list for awhile now! I love Krispy Kreme, that place is my kryptonite!
