Friday, February 22, 2013

Chimmy's Corner

Before I introduce to y'all an amazing Animal lover... There are a few words from your host, Chimichanga aka Boyem aka Stinky Butt Butt aka Chimmy.

So uh haayy people. Here I am in the mini hallway of Grams and Mother just got me some In & Out hamburger. She usually feeds me only the meat & 1 bun, then treats me with the other half of the bun. I love to guard my bun. Bun = Bone. Don't you dare try to take that bun away from me. 

Mother is being a prick and is threatening me on stealing my bun. That's when I act like I'm a big werewolf and show her my fangs. I am a Fierce Pomeranian, you know. Time to find a hiding place.

I don't know y'all. Should I hide it underneath Grams's bed? I get all Kujo when Gramps takes out the iron board from underneath. I think he wants to have my secret stash. Oh well. I gotz to find a hiding place!!!!!!
Such a smart dog, isn't he? Super Brat I say. 

Well Meg from Borrowed Heaven has a great story to tell you. She loves cats. I love cats too despite being a dog person. I'm sorta allergic to cats though. Boo. I love seeing dogs and cats together...

from here

Hi everyone!  I'm Meg and I blog over at Borrowed Heaven.

When I first saw that Rima was doing a weekly "Chimmy's Corner," I knew that I wanted to join in.  Growing up, my parents and I always had cats.  Over the first 18 years of my life, there were 10 kitties in my life.  From my first cat, Robin, who slept in my crib with me, to my parents' youngest outdoor cat, Jose, we have a lot of awesome cat stories.

The funniest one is probably that we always named our cats after baseball players.  It started with Hall of Famers, but most recently the names have come from current New York Yankees players.  Ready for the rundown [in order]?

Robin [Robin Roberts Yount]

Ernie [Ernie Banks]

Scooter [Phil Rizzuto]

Mr. McCovey [Willie McCovey]

Stanley [Stan Musial]

Fergie [Ferguson Jenkins]

Robbie [Robinson Cano]

Bernie-Johnny [Bernie Williams and Johnny Damon]

Hideki [Hideki Matsui]

Jose [Jose Molina]

Yeah, that's a lot - I know, but they all hold a special place in my heart.

But the real purpose of this post is to tell you about the love that adopting cats [or dogs] from a shelter can bring to your life.  Each and every one of my parents' cats were strays; they have never "purchased" a cat.  

with Robin when I was 2

When my parents bought their current home, before I was born, they brought Robin with them [who had been adopted from a pound].  But by the time I was in 2nd grade, Mr. McCovey was our only cat [follow the list above, if you'd like].  We knew we wanted another, and we had never had a orange tabby before.  We called our local shelter and they told us that they had an orange tabby that was just brought in.  [See, you can usually even pick out a type/color of cat you want at shelters!]  We immediately went to see him.  He had been found stuck to a tree by his collar and hadn't eat in days before he was brought in.  He was soooo skinny, sick, and only 8 weeks old.  But I thought he was perfect!  The employee took him out of the cage and he came to me immediately.  Now here's the fun part, he also shared that cage with the runt of a litter that was born at the shelter.  The employee said that no one wanted this cat because he looked like a cow with random black and white spots.  We were only supposed to go to the shelter to get the one, orange cat, but when the black and white one jumped into my dad's arms, we knew we had to take both.

with Fergie and Stan

They lived happily with McCovey for a few years before he passed away, and my family and I loved having just 2 cats: Stan [the tabby] and Fergie [the cow cat].  That all changed one fall day during my junior year of high school.  My parents' home backs on acres and acres of woods.  It's really beautiful and one day, three little faces appeared on our back porch.  They were only 6 weeks old and so beautiful.  We started putting out food for them, and tried to pet them, but they were very skiddish.  After a month or so, it seemed as though two of them said to the third one, "Go check it out!  See if these are nice people!" because one of them wanted to come inside.  Well, of course we are, and slowly but surely, after Robbie took the first step, Bernie followed him, and Hideki came inside a few weeks after that.

Just look at these faces.  So many cats like these are found every day.  We were lucky enough to be able to keep them, but so many are brought to shelters and need homes.  They are so sweet, loving, and just want a family!

Bernie-Johnny, Hideki, and Robbie
But seriously, how could you say no to them?

I know that people are sometimes skeptical of shelters, but I can honestly say that shelter cats are perfect and you should always consider adopting an "unwanted" stray before paying for a "top of the line" breeder cat.

So, that's my story.  Of course I couldn't live without kitties, and unfortunately I was unable to bring my 16 year-old Stanley to my new home when I moved away, so now my boyfriend and I have one kitty and our roommate has another.  If you want to know more about them, stop over at my blog and read about Roxy and Merp!

Thank you to Rima for letting me share my story, I hope I have inspired one of you to go out and adopt a new member of your family!

Thank YOU, Meg! Seriously, there are THOUSANDS of animals out there in Shelters that want to be in your home, to cuddle with you at night!!!!!!! I've said it before, sometimes I wish Chimmy was a sheltered dog that I rescued, but I was a brat and naive about shelter dogs at the time & that I wanted a pure breed Pomeranian. As I fell in love more with my dog, I started looking at sheltered dogs. I told Rob that once we settle, I want to have 2 dogs, both must come from a Shelter. Good thing he agreed.

Aaaannnddddd just like the famous Bob Barker says,
Source: via Brian on Pinterest


Doggie Kisses and In & Out Burgers,
Rima & Chimmy


  1. I loved reading about Meg's cats! I'm a "dog person," but that's mainly because I'm allergic to cats. There are so many stray kitties who need homes, the world needs more people like Meg and her family to take them in. Also, Chimmy is hilarious with that bun!

  2. I love this post!! I love my kitty so much and couldn't imagine not snatching him up when I found him on the street.

  3. So cute! First of all, Hawkeye does the same thing when she's "full" but can still get food, she'll hide it. In the couch, under pillows, in my bed. She's not very good at it...
    And second, all those kitties are adorable! I love cats too but could never have one because my dad is allergic. And now, I'm not sure Hawkeye wants a sibling. Ever.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Haha typo - hit enter too soon! Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts! I appreciate it :)
