Friday, June 14, 2013

Expat Q&A (a link up)

I saw this link up at Patricia of Kisses & Croissants and was intrigued to do it.

What's a girl to do on a Friday night, plus being on call for work? Listening to my father's doing the vacuum, smelling London Calling's candle (super bomb btw), craving for Indomie and doing this Q&A of course.

Found Love.  Now What?

This is fun...  being a world traveler-wannabe...

1. Which airport would you like to never see again?

From what I remember, Taipei Airport is boring. But this is back in 1995. I will judge again this September, when I head there for layover for my Asian vacation. JFK & La Guardia are also... boring. Ontario International Airport... Boring. Hahaha... 
2. What is your travel nightmare?

When I was a kid, on a vacation trip to the Borobudur Temple with my family, I was wearing those skorts (short-skirt combo, you know). This one was pretty unique because: 1) It's made of batik material 2) It ties around. I know, it's complicated. Mind you, Borobudur is HUGE. I had to pee. The restroom was far. I was sprinting down to get to the nearest restroom, got in to it, and apparently my strings for my skorts were knotted. I ended up peeing all over myself. Standing up. Freaking out. 

Not only I had piss all over me, my father was waiting outside in the heat and I hear people waiting outside to use the restroom. Oh freakin fudge. Toilet paper was scarce at the time, so I was like, "eff this" and got out and went to the sink. Freakin' drenched myself in water, and squeeze as much as possible the piss/water soaked into my skorts. Walked out, saw my dad, and never said a word to him. 

Lesson learned: Never wear skorts.
3. Would your rather stay in a fancy hotel and do less activities or stay in a hostel and do more activities?

So far I've been doing because it is bomb. Prices are reasonable, you get to meet cool people (the host/owner), and get to live like a local. Fancy hotels, only once in awhile if I feel like it. 

4. Do you have any pre-travel rituals?

Stock up on some reading materials (either magazines or load up my iPad), gum (for those morning breaths), SNACKS (cookies, gummy bears, etc). Triple check my itinerary and luggages. Pray before take-off and landing. Text my parents before take-off and after landing. Research on the idea of interest.  
5. What is your favorite airline to fly with?

So far I love Lufthansa. I've only flown once with them (to Munich/Barcelona) and it was nice. Friendly steward(ess)s. Food was good (I ordered Kosher and it was greaatttt). Not a big fan of Delta.
6. If you could take a trip anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Gurl, you kid? Everywhere!!!!!! Goal is for hit India next year for the Holi Festival. Japan and London is another major on my list.
7.  How do survive long haul flights?

I try to occupy myself by: EATING. No joke. That's why I stock up on snacks. Hence I get fat. And bloated (elevation jacks up your system). Sleep. I pound them Benadryl to make me go to sleep. Watch the movies provided, of course. I actually even off-line blog. I wrote my New York City guide in the plane on my way home!
8. What is your favorite stamp in your passport and why?
My passport is pretty bland. I only have a stamp from USA, Germany, France, and Honduras. Hahaha. This little blue book needs to get filled (pending: Indonesia & Thailand & Singapore in September)
9. What are your top 3 necessary items for travel?
1. My smart phone. Multi function yo: Maps/GPS, Google, Camera and iPod in 1.
2. A little bit of cash of local currencies (for emergency), 1 debit card and 1 credit card
3. My shampoo/hair products. I have crazy waves. They need to be tamed. So going to humid places, I need them creams to make my mane look at least presentable. 

All I can think now is traveling. 



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