Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Let's Get Physical... Physical...

I know you know that infamous song. You don't? Let me refresh your mind...

Now you remember, right? Spandex, sweat band and all? Good.

Anyways, this post is not about spandex (i wish in a way they were...), but it's a link-up (LINK UP? AGAIN? *hey no whining!*) created by my bloggy BFF, Evani of Simply Evani.

So the link-up is more like a support group rather than a way to gain more readers (eh, why not kill 2 birds with one stone? Wait, I love birds. How about kill 2 roaches with one stone?)... It consists of 3 parts: Confessions, Facts, and Goals... All regarding your health and/or fitness habits. 

My health/fitness habit? Horrible. I don't work-out, my eating habits are pretty poor, and I rarely drink water (I just don't get thirsty that often!). So I'm glad Evani came up with this idea. Bravo, chica-loo.

This is a monthly link-up and will be held every first Wednesday of the month, I think. Anyways, I love being supported and I think that's what I need. So far my support is from Mother just saying that I'm fat (it's the Asian way of showing love, I think). If only I live in the same roof with the Pillow, I would know I would work out with him (he loves doing sports). He always ask me if I want to work out with him whenever we hang out but I refuse most of the time because the days we spent time together are usually my days off where I just want to RELAX. Gah. 

Anywayz, I'm gonna start. 

I rarely eat fruits and vegetables. It's not like I hate them, I just opted to eat those fine awesome carbs (read: BREAD! PASTRIES! CAKES! CHEETOS!) and stuff them in my mouth rather than a juicy apple. 

Don't get me wrong, I love mangoes. They are my ultimate favorite. Too bad they are not in season all the time. Mango with Sticky Rice is a plus! (Wait, that's not a fruit entry? It's a dessert? Damn). I love Cucumbers, especially the snaking/Persian cucumbers. Yum. But I know I must eat those leafy ones. I love some cold, sliced Sunkist Oranges too. Cantaloupes are my favorite too. It's just that I make poor choices on what to stuff in my mouth when I see a variety of food selections in front of me. Pfft, when I go to a Buffet, the first thing I hit is the Dessert bar. Then the pasta/pizza/burger&fries/friedfoods and dessert again. Salad bar? Forget it. It's just that I need to control my eye-hunger/appetite! As for Veggies, if there's none on the table, then I won't eat it. If they don't look pleasing to my eyes, I won't eat it. Bad, I know...

Well I'm trying to add more Vegs & Fruits to my eating world by juicing. If you've been following me on instagram (you should... @bolubyrima), I've been juicing for about 1-2 weeks, mostly for dinner between Mon - Fri. I've even added this to my September Goals. I feel somewhat different, like more energy during the day. But I guess I have to do it routinely to get the full effect and maybe I need to do it more often. We'll see how it goes til the end of the month!!

Sooo that's my entry for this link-up. Check out Evani's blog for more info about the link up!! YAY!


  1. Why yes, my husband did just start singing to that song and dancing through our kitchen. Thanks for that.

  2. GIVE ME ALL THE BREAD AND PASTRIES is want I want to yell when I walk into a bakery or Panera. What is it about those items that makes us love them so?

    1. it's the gooey, stickiness, the sweetness, just straight party in my mouth feeling that i get when i bite into a piece of bread and or pastries. boo.

  3. I am two steps away from linking up for you. Haha thanks for linking up girlfrannnn it means a lot to me!


    1. you're welcome :))) this is brilliant. i hope i stick to my goal!

  4. Juicing sounds like a great way to get more fruits and veggies into your diet! I might have to try that! Good luck with your goals!

    1. thanks, girl. Yes, so far juicing has help me a bit on the veg/fruit intake. Tastes aren't the greatest, but i just think about the nutritional benefits of it when i'm chugging them down haha

  5. I actually saw this video for the first time, it is disturbingly funny.
    Your post is hilarious! We share the juicing goal. :) I can assure you from past experience that you will feel more energized, less tired, your immune system will work like a machine and all that stuff that comes with the pack. they can be also very delicious. that's all great if you're not too lazy to juice - like me. :P
