Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Reminiscing Wednesday


Anyways, last night I was reading Alyx's post about her 5 year anniversary of her jeans. Epic... Which, in the end she asked, "Where/who were you five years ago?"

Girl, you made me think.

Let's do the math. 

5 years ago was 2007. I was 23. I was finishing up my nursing program and was 25 lbs lighter. Yes, I lost weight DURING nursing school. Who would've thought little Rima was able to achieve her nursing degree while dieting. Yes, I did the South Beach Diet. I dont' know why I was able to witheld my HUGE appetite for carbs. I applause the old Rima. 

even Obama is clapping his hands for me. via
This is me exactly 5 years ago. Taken on Sept 11, 2007

Such a model, ain't I?

Back then the Pillow was not in my life nor Chimmy (he wasn't born yet). I was just focusing on school and my single life. I was freakin out about passing my finals and figuring out how and to what hospitals should I apply. I loved going to Borders (I miss you!) and Panera to study. And I believe Myspace was still big at the time! I loved my alone time driving home from school at night time and enjoying the city lights from the foothills of my college. I enjoyed my solitude state.

Fast forward 5 years later to present time, I'm 25 lbs heavier, I still have that sweater, and my room looks different. I'm going on to my 5th year as a nurse, Facebook is still big, Chimmy has cavities and I have a man who I can snuggle with. I still love the city lights (and will always love it!) and once in awhile I do love the solitude state when I'm apart from Rob (but not too long. I love cuddling with him).

Who would've known that girl in that picture would be the girl I am today. But for sure she shaped me to be the person who I am today.

And I remember, that year, I was in this phase...

Underneath that bandana, I had a bleached streak. Hahaha...

Where were you 5 years ago?


  1. love this post!
    now you got me thinking where was I exactly 5 years ago? i can't remember. it's 2007 so i was freshman in college. i should dig my memory

    1. and you're defintely a model!

    2. hahaha at one point in life, i dreamt to be a Gadis model. hahahaha

  2. :) What a sweet post! I don't even want to think about 5 years ago, I mean I love the life I live but college was SO much more fun than life post-grad. lol womp womppp. Also, I weighed significantly less.... 5 years ago Evani didn't seem to love burgers and fries as much as she does now. She was so much cooler.

    1. lol. i know me too. today all i can think is FOOD. FOOD FOOD FOOOODDDD

  3. I love this post! Five years ago, I was not even living here in the US yet but it was a month before I was going to move here. I was still with a different guy, I was scared of what I was getting into - moving to the US to follow my parents' plan and 15 pounds lighter ;) I wish I can lose at least 10 pounds! :p

    I'm having a giveaway on my blog if you're interested :)

    1. i know what you're talking about the weight. poo. hahahah... i really wish i weigh like that year.

  4. You are gorgeous. Isn't it crazy how different life can be in such a short amount of time?

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?? Who would've think in 5 years, yourself can change into another person? I mean, still the same but, different attitude?

      Growing up really does shape you up!

  5. I didn't even have my driver's license yet and I was about to turn 28. That seems so long ago. I don't even feel that old yet. I was thinking about moving to Atlanta with a friend and I was just beginning my year of being homeless. I always had a roof over my head, but it was always someone else's couch or spare bed for the night.

  6. 5 Years ago I was 17, taking the last of my driving lessons, enjoying college, and generally loving life. I was 42lb lighter! Sob. Things were pretty good for me back then!
