Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Confessions

Forgive me for I have...
  • Fallen in love with another guy.
Seriously look at that face. Those eyes. Only 1+ day old, he's already smiling. 

photo via Kuma's Dad

I can't help staring at his pictures. He's just too cute for words. I can not wait to kiss and hug him and CUDDLE with him. I can't wait to introduce Uncle Kuma-san to Baby Kuma-chan. But I better tell him no baby fever yet, mkay.
  • Looked at strands of my hair and picking the split ends. Total time waster :(
  • Picked my nose while having a full on conversation with the Pillow in the car... while it was dark/night time. ha ha ha ha *sarcastic laugh*
  • Splurged to buy a new fancy purse. But I love Marc Jacobs :)
  • Been slacking with lots of my planed blog posts. I've been so busy and in a way, having a writers block/laziness.


  1. Aww,he is soooo adorable! :) Congratulations on being an aunt now!

    1. Katrin, thank you :)
      i srsly can not stop looking at his pictures!

  2. He's ADORABLE!!!

    Also, I have like 15 blog posts in my draft folder. I'll get to them one day.

    1. LOL. I have stuff in my mind that I want to blog about. damn.

  3. LOL Rob always laughs at me because he ALWAYS catches me mid-picking. It's annoying but I mean when I got a bat in the cave, I gotta get it. And OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG baby SO CUTE. I cannot get over those eyes. And I'm not lying, sometimes I tell people their babies are cute when they're not and this one is SERIOUSLY adorable.

  4. oh my, he is a beautiful baby!
