Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Since It's Sports Season...

Sports Team Gear

Sports Team Gear by natziepatzie featuring canvas slip on shoes

Since I'm dating a man who puts sports above me (I'm so used to it. I put food above him... JK), I came to appreciate sports a little bit more. At first I didn't really care about American Football aka NFL, but since The Pillow is a big Green Bay Packers fan and they did superb in 2010-2011 and ended up winning the Super Bowl XLV, I became a fan by choice. But then, I ended up liking the whole game of it, maybe because now I understand a little bit more of the game. He even took me to a Packers - Chargers game last year for his birthday, front row and all (and I got to stare at Aaron Rodgers' ass ass ass ass). Anyways, I thought, since I'm a girl, why not create like a guide line for me on how to dress up for a game day. I'm all about comfort. Especially when I'm watching the game in a bar or so, surrounded by intoxicated fans. 

One time, I went to an English Pub in Santa Ana for a ManUtd vs Chelsea game and it was intense. We got there pretty late (I had my ManUtd shirt and Rob had his Chelsea shirt), so we were standing near the door/bar watching the game and I was there surrounded by drunk fans. It was crazy and funny. Good thing I dressed comfortably. Imagine if I was one of those sports fashionistas wannabe with high heels, I would tumble down and no one would care, because they were more into the game. Haha. Even Rob would probably ignore me, esp I'm a fan of the opposite team, hahaha...

Also, I'm a Lakers fan by default. My whole family (mom, dad, brother, most of extended family) are avid Lakers fan. We even have a hole in our house from my brother punching the wall because he was so pissed off from a game. Now it's covered with a picture of him and G-Ma. Haha. We finally went to our first Lakers game last year or two years ago, I think. I even bought a Lakers t-shirt for the occasion. The game was intense. It was with Houston Rockets and we got free tickets from a nice lady from church who's a Season Ticket holder. Anyways, in front of us were these super annoying rich teenagers who were rooting for the Rockets. They were so rude (one reason why I wish I was in Indonesia and I can actually yell at them without getting sued) to the surrounding Lakers fans. Mother and I were like, wth, but ignored them. The other people around us could not stand them. Father and Brother were just like, whatever I'm focusing on the game. Anyways, the game went on to double overtime (I wanted to go home so bad) with Lakers winning the game. Super intense. Off course the rowdy teenagers, with their underage beers, were acting all pissed, cussing the world, and leaving the area while yelling profanity to the other Lakers fans, and one was staring at me, I just flipped the bird and said, "Sorry Mother F(low)ers." Hah, his face was priceless. 

Well, I don't know why this entry ended up being about my sports stories, but hey! Why not dress up for your team, eh?

Do any of you watch sports? Any favorite team(s)? Share!

ps: gotta love Polyvore. Dangerous.


  1. Oh Polyvore, you kill me. I LOOOOVE Football as you already know ;) The other sports not so much. Baseball I root for the Giants because my family does and basketball, I used to root for the Kings since they're local but their owners suckkkkk. Haven't found me a soccer team yet.

    1. hahah i'm not a fan of baseball (I didn't grew up watching it) so I have no team despite here we both have Angels & Dodgers.

      Isn't Polyvore dangerous!?!

  2. I a big Packers fan too ..Packers have the strongest fan base in football .
