Thursday, November 22, 2012

My Thankful List

Uh the original post I did yesterday got accidentally deleted when I was adding stuff via my Blogger app on my phone. Lovely.

So I'm just gonna go quick, since I need to shower and get ready for my family's old Thanksgiving Traditional: Thanksgiving lunch at the Double Tree Hotel. Aw yea. No need to worry about cooking and leftovers. Good for my diet.

I thank:
  • God - for giving me a wonderful life.
  • My Family - My rock. Without them, I wouldn't be the person I am today.
  • Robert - even though I really wish you are here, boo, but I am grateful that you're spending this thanksgiving with people you deserve to be with, your family in Indo. I miss you, Pillow.
  • Chimichanga - for being the cutest fart machine.
  • My Cha-Cha Sisters - I am so thankful that we finally get together and had our reunion. It was amazing. Not only for us, but for our families as well. We need to do this annually :)
  • My extended family - of course, life would not be complete with all of their love and support.
  • My amazing co-workers - my other family not from home. I work with amazing people. We're a pretty tight knit group, so we are like family. I see them 5 days a week, more than I see Pillow during the week. The most awesome team ever. I do love my ER family, but a lot of them left this past year. 
  • My work - even though we are so short staff right now, my crew & I manage to still get stuffs done. Most of the time, it's hard and stressful. I come home wanting to just pass out and sleep and never wake up. But I thank God for letting have this job. In the days where it's hard to find a job, I'm grateful I have a decent job where I can support myself and my family. 
  • My Church Family - another family from another mother... well... Family of God. Still awesome and great to be part of this church family. We stick to each other for support and love. Amazing.
  • Honduras & New York City - the 2 places I visited, so far, this year. Memories were created, part of my life has been changed. Thanks to GMB UCSD Students for allowing me to be part of your team. Thanks to Gaby for being an awesome friend and trip partner for NYC. Super fun. Now let's plan for our next trip ;)
  • Coldplay - yes the band. Tons of their songs shaped up this year for me. Their Mylo Xyloto concert was one of the best concerts I've been to and it was one of the highlights for me & Rob. I can play all 5 albums of Coldplay on repeat and not be bored of it. Their lyrics & rhythms will always be part of me.
  • My Blog Readers - You guys are special. Thank you for reading and continuing to support this little humble blog of mine. I wouldn't have known that my blog would grow to where it is today, if it wasn't for every single one of you! Without this, I wouldn't be in the place where I am today (in blog land). Thank you thank you thank you!

Well I hope everyone will have a great Thanksgiving weekend. Still keep the spirit of thanks not only for one day/weekend, but for the rest of the year... Everyday. Give thanks.


linking up with these awesome people...
Rouge & Whimsy

1 comment:

  1. ohhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyy gosh. There's a blogger app!?!?!? time out. umm, where have I been? now back to reading about your thankfulness. ;)
