Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Newtown, CT.

You are in my prayers. This tragedy will be something that people will think about for years. I'm still mad and in shock on why the victims have to be (mostly) children. These kids are innocent. It's so heartbreaking knowing that they won't be able to grow up and live and enjoy life to the fullest. I'm saddened to know that their family will have the darkest Holiday Season they'll ever had.  I'm sad for the schoolmates that are scarred forever. Also to the kids that lost their parent(s). May all of Newtown receive forever comfort and love from Above and from everywhere.

Dear Mr. President.

Thank you for your brief but great message. It shows that you are indeed still human, and proof that men are allowed to cry, even in public. It's sad that it takes another tragedy, now involving children, to realize that America needs to review the gun ownership/controlling law thingamajig. I know you have A LOT on your plate, and it's hard to PLEASE EVERY SINGLE CITIZEN, but I do hope that you take this Gun thing Seriously.

Dear People who own guns.

Please keep your weapons to yourselves. Hide it in a safe place where other people (even your own family members) won't know and potentially steal it and use it for harmful, idiotic use. I know many of you keep them for self defense, but seriously store them and use them with caution. Apparently this shooter used guns that are registered to his own mother. He shot her with her own weapon.

Dear People who Dislikes the President (to the point that all I see on my newsfeed are topics on how much you hate him).

Please please please please... Keep your HATRED out of my sight. Keep your opinions to yourself or share it among people who think like you. What do you do? You are stuck with him for the next 4 years. Deal with it. Instead of ranting, criticizing and bitching on how much you hate him, why don't you make the world you live in a better place? Start small. Like from your own home. Or yourself. Do a reality check in the mirror if you think you are better than him. He's no more human than you are. Humble thy self.

Dear Chimmy.

Since I don't have a little human that I go home to and hug tight, I hugged you. Thanks for letting me hug your for 10 minutes without growling at me.

Dear People.

Don't let tragedy, like today's, be the time you go and hug your loved ones and say I love you to. It should be every day, as often as possible. You will never know what will happen the next. Yes, you may have days where you dislike them or can't stand them... But remember, they've been there for you since the beginning. Embrace each other with love and kindness. We need more them in the World.

May thoughts are also with the stabbing victims (children too) and families affected by it in China that happened today as well.

- Rima


  1. We are all at a loss when it comes to this shooting, and you outlined your thoughts poignantly. I do think that this wasn't about his access to the guns as much as his obvious lack of support. Someone close to him should have realized that there was something wrong with him far before he reached this point. It goes to show that we need to get a handle on mental disease in this country.

    1. Yes! Thank you for pointing that out about the mental disorder. Sadly, that's one of the problems that people in our society tend to ignore and WILL pay attention to it until something bad happens (for example today's, Aurora shooting, VTech, etc). I work in a County Hospital and with a background in the ER, I did work with a lot of patients with Mental Disorders. It sad to see that many of these patients aren't getting the proper care, moreover not the proper and enough care and love from their own family. Many of them are the outcast/black sheep of the family because the family just don't want to deal with it. And what's more sad is that these patients ended up on the wrong side of the track and fall for the bad things, such as violence, alcohol and substance abuse, to escape their own mental problem. Dealing with a person with Mental Disorder under the influence is one of the scariest things I've seen. You just don't know when the person snaps or what's going on in their minds. Very unpredictable.

      Mental Disorders is something a family (where they may have a person in their family that has any) should deal it together, not cast-upon and put it to the side for other people (read: hospital workers/police/psychiatrists, etc) to deal with. Yes, we are the experts that can help, but without the help of the patient's family, sometimes I think our help is just plain worthless.

      I can go on and on about this... Haha, thanks for pointing that out, Janna :)

  2. I agree with you on SO many points of this post but especially the gun control. Clearly mental health was a MAJOR issue but at the end of the day, the weapon was an object, a gun. I'm not for radical ideas of banning guns or every weapon ever made but I am 100% open and okay with the discussion about where gun control can go next, even if it saves only 1 life. That's my two cents on everyone who's up in arms (womp womp not meant to be a joke) about people bringing up guns.
