Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Me, Myself & I

1) What was your favorite gift given to you as a child?
Honestly, I don't remember. Maybe this fold-up bike that I BEGGED to have when I was a child... and I skinned my knee falling from it. Hahaha...
2) Christmas is almost here, what is that one Christmas song you could listen to on repeat? 
The all awesome Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You"... thanks to Love Actually
3) What are a few of the items on your Christmas list this year?
I really, really, want a new Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer... if possible in blue. And to be honest, a bling. No joke. Hahahaha. But I'll be happy with a nice mixer.
4) Do you and your family have any special holiday traditions? Explain.
Well, since we don't really celebrate Christmas, we usually just go to Grandma's house and have potluck/lunch there. We'll do "some" gift exchange, but pretty much we just eat, get fat and watch TV
5) Which do you prefer: wrapping paper or gift bags? Why?
Wrapping Paper!!! The joy of hearing that RIP from tearing up the wrapper is just... AWESOME.


Don't forget to join my link up for "12 Things"!!!


  1. Haha eat, get fat, and watch tv. That is my favorite part about holidays!

  2. I love the sound of ripping wrapping paper!! :)

  3. A fold up bike sounds awesome!

    I want a Kitchen Aid Mixer too. I always try to win one from Pioneer Woman Cooks. Haven't won one yet...maybe soon!!!
