Friday, December 7, 2012

12 Things... A Link-Up... Coming Soon!

... I created a link-up. After several people recommended that I should do this link-up, and after thinking about it (in 10 minutes), I decided to do it! Woot!

What is 12 things? I created this 12 things about almost a year ago when I was making a list of things I want to do/accomplish by the end of the year. Why 12? Because there are 12 months in a year... I was thinking that maybe I can accomplish one goal per month. I thought, "you know, it's doable to do a goal per month..." 

It can be from something simple to a complicated one (if you wish). It could be something that you've been dying to try but just didn't have the time to (or guts to!) do it and now it's the time to put it on the list and accomplish it! ANYTHING. There are no restrictions because these are your own personal goals for the year. 

Create the list, then at the end of every month we will do a Revisit: 12 Things, to see how our progress is... And at the end of the year, we'll do a huge wrap up post and throw a partay... and start writing new 12 things for the following year!

Proof of accomplished goals (aka pictures/blog posts) aren't necessary but it's recommended. It's pretty cool to have them as documentation and it's a great thing to look back to and give a pat on your back for accomplishing them :)

For my last Revisit: 12 Things, click here.

Link-Up won't go live until another week or so... To give time to write down your list. I have some things in mind and I'm in the process of finishing it up :)

I'm excited. You should too. Let's do this together!!!

Spread the word if you want. I'd greatly appreciate it!



  1. This is awesome sauce. I think I will pull some of the goals off of my 101 in 1001 list and see what I can get done. A couple of health goals, business goals and personal goals. Time to get thinking.

  2. I'm in! I'm so late on December goals which I'm still gonna do but I love linkin up with my best fwends.

  3. Nice, can't wait for this link up :)
