Monday, December 3, 2012

December's Goal

Can you believe it's already December? The End of the world 2012 is near! Now it's time for me to sum up my semi-successful November goals! Let's go!

1. Still Continue to Juice - BIG FAT ZERO. I did not juice at all *fail* but instead, towards the end of the month, I decided to do the Phase 1 of South Beach Diet and managed to lose 5 lbs *pats back*. Not bad, eh?
2. Purchase a New Coat - 1. Yay. It was an impulsive buy but I did not regret it because I got it at: Target. Yes. And I wear it everyday now! Haha
3. Learn how to make Japanese Hokkaido Milk Bread - 1. Great Success

4. Clean Rob's Apartment - 1. Yay. I finally did it over the weekend (well, okay it was Dec 1st already) but he was still abroad, so it counts! He was surprised on how clean his sink was when he got home last night. 
5. Learn how to make a decent Apple Pie - 0. I did not have the time to do it. So it shall be an ongoing goal.

Total: 3 out of 5. Still impressive in my world! Woo.

So for December...

1. Learn how to make Orange Chicken - this is one of my favorite Chinese food. And of course I want to learn how to make a healthier version of it. 
2. Eat more fiber/whole grains - I've been slacking in this department and it's time for me to focus on this. I love brown rice and whole wheat bread. I'm gonna start learning to bake more with fiber. Eat more fruits and veggies. 
3. Save $$$ for Alaska/Paris - I must really focus on this. Project Paris is kinda hard because the current situation of my family. I have to move so it's kinda hard to focus on Paris and I've been focusing in more important things. But hopefully I can do Paris sometimes next year.
4. Bake Something New - Yes. I really wanna try to make something new. Time is the only enemy I have right now for that. Gah.
5. Learn to be more patient. This is just personal. I think I'm a pretty patient person (even the pillow thinks that way) but lately it's just been rough. I just need to take time to take a deep breath and clear my mind. 

Anyways, this is a link up with my awesome sauce friend, Melissa. Join!
xoxo, Rima


  1. Success!!! Thanks for linking up again this month!

    You save money for Alaska/Paris and I'll be saving money for California. We need to come up with some sort of money saving plan.

  2. Agree, 3 out of 5 is pretty darn good!

  3. You have to move?? Keeping you in my thoughts gf! And seriously let's develop a savings plan, Rob and I are saving for Europe too!
