Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Le Sigh

Good Lord. Yesterday was one of the roughest Mondays ever. I pretty much worked from 730AM til 1150PM. I'm on call, so I had to stay over to finished a case, and I didn't get out til 730PM. Not to find out, right when I got to my driveway at 8PM, to get called back in for a Trauma case. OMG. I was like zombiefest. Thanks to the adrenaline rush, I was able to get thru the case, but once I dropped the patient off to the OR suite, I wanted to pass out. My legs were like total jello. I got home after midnight and passed out on my bed, without showering. Yes. Patients's funk I bring to bed.

Then I woke up at 6AM (damn biological/circadian clock) to a stuffy nose. When I'm too fatigued, my body just go cray and I have like flu-like symptoms for a couple of hours. Great.

One great thing is that I got my Bunny onesie in the mail yesterday (when werk called me in) and I got to try it this morning.

Dad: *stink face* "You and your bunnies... Since you were a little girl..."

Thanks Dad. I told him that I remember when I was 3, he asked me what do I want to be when I grow up, and I said, "BUNNY!" His now reaction: stink face.

In the mean time, let's enjoy the face of my Sister's baby, Kuma-Chan aka Adam, wearing his Xmas gift from Uncle Kuma-San aka Uncle Pillow that he got from Indonesia (what Adam is wearing is a traditional Javanese hat called blankon. Homeboy is 1/2 Javanese).

I haven't seen this kid since September. I'm going thru withdrawals.

I need to bite them cheeks. 

Thank God for a day off. Baking time!

moonbeams, Rima


  1. CUTE BABYYYYYY, I love the wrap she's got on her head, I seriously want one of my future baby! And everytime I see a bunny, I think of you!

  2. thank goodness for a bunny onesie! ;)

  3. Ugh, that is a long shift! Where do you work? OR? Sometimes after my normal 12 hour shifts my legs are jello.

  4. I feel for you dear! I know all too well the zombie like feeling that comes from work. Boooooo on that!
