Friday, January 18, 2013

Chimmy's Corner

Have you hug your pet today?

This Stinky Butt below is the first one to greet me every time I arrive home. Once I open my door, either he greets me by barking maniacally OR we do this staring contest if he's sitting on the top of the stairs looking down on me. Once I start moving, his tails wag like crazy. Silly butt.

He was torn between 3 bones. Crazy. He ate up the left one though.
So on behalf of Chimmy being cute and sassy, I'm going to share tonight some cute and sassy dogs as well.

Meet Mishka. She's an adorable Siberian Husky who's been trained very well by her owner on talking. ADORABLE.

Then, these two cute Labradors (I think) interrupted a Turkish Soccer match by running in to the fields. I want to take them home!

Meet Gaytor. This future opera singer did a duet via Skype with another dog. Awesome.

And meet the BEST CORGI ever. Who does a dance when being fed? Gosh I want to hug this dog!

So does your pet do funny/cute stuff? Please do share!

If you want to participate in Chimmy's Corner, please contact me!

Doggy Kisses,


  1. Adorable! We spent a good hour rolling around the backyard with our pup. She is permanently planted in her bed for the rest of the night haha.

  2. My dog dances when she's being fed too, but it's more annoying than adorable. haha

  3. That corgi is awesome. I want a cat and a dog. I can't wait to move so I can't have those things.

  4. Your doggy is so cute. And it must be nice to come home to lots of tail wagging! :)

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee

  5. SO cute. I love corgis. And Chimmys of course.

  6. Aaahhh I love Mishka! I've watched the "I love you" video countless times. And how can you not love that Smash Mouth is playing in the background??? haha

  7. Okay great, now I have another episode of my doggy fever! I want a puppy!!! LOL

