Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Repost: 12 Things

What is 12 things? I created this 12 things about almost a year ago when I was making a list of things I want to do/accomplish by the end of the year. Why 12? Because there are 12 months in a year... I was thinking that maybe I can accomplish one goal per month. I thought, "you know, it's doable to do a goal per month..." 

It can be from something simple to a complicated one (if you wish). It could be something that you've been dying to try but just didn't have the time to (or guts to!) do it and now it's the time to put it on the list and accomplish it! ANYTHING. There are no restrictions because these are your own personal goals for the year. 

Create the list, then at the end of every month we will do a Revisit: 12 Things, to see how our progress is... And at the end of the year, we'll do a huge wrap up post and throw a partay... and start writing new 12 things for the following year!

Proof of accomplished goals (aka pictures/blog posts) aren't necessary but it's recommended. It's pretty cool to have them as documentation and it's a great thing to look back to and give a pat on your back for accomplishing them :)

For my last Revisit: 12 Things, click here.
2012 12 Things: here
For my Bucket List: here

So, for 2013... These are my 12 Things:
  1. Attend a Baking/Bread Class. I know the dream is to do it in Paris, but $$$ is still the issue. So while I save up for that, I found classes at Le Pain Quotidien and Sur La Table. The awesome thing is that both of those places that offer the classes are so close by Rob's place, and available during the weekend. Another secret goal is to have him attend the class with me. Hee hee hee.
  2. 30 days Work-Out trial. This will probably be the ultimate challenge for me. I dislike working out. Period. But I do love the affects it gives me after, especially doing hot yoga (I just purchased a $10 coupon for a local Hot Yoga place. Let's see if I use it or not). And, I really wanna tone up. I currently pay for a gym that I never go to (typical american of me) and I just don't like going there because now the gym is just like a effin' fashion show. I just wanna work out in my undies without being judge. So I will purchase the Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred DVD and gonna try it out. At least I can curse at her at my own convenient. I need to get a workout mat since I have carpet and it hurts my knee when I do aerobics on it (or maybe it's just me creating reasons to not work out). I wanna have awesome abs. 
  3. Volunteer at an Animal Shelter (a unsuccessful goal from 2012). I did oriented with the Humane Society but I did not continue because I wasn't comfortable with the Euthanize for Population protocol that they have. So I applied at my local Animal Shelter and currently waiting for the orientation that will happen in February. I just hope I can attend it because lot of things planned might happen in February. 
  4. Watch a live soccer game. I love watching Soccer, or in Rob's world "Futbol", live. The energy of the fans are so contagious and empowering. So far I've seen David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Leo Messi (!!!), Landon Donovan, with their teammates played live. My major goal is to watch Manchester United play. So far ManUtd haven't visited LA yet, but if they do, Girl's gonna go cray. I hope some great European teams will come over to LA so Rob & I can watch them live. I didn't see any for 2012 (we've been going every year in our relationship), but Rob flew all the way to New York to watch Argentina VS Brazil (He's a Argentina fan from birth). Can't wait to see for 2013.
  5. Try a new crafty skill. I'm a undedicated craft nerd. I love crafts, but I can't stay consistent with a certain type. I love trying out and experiments on crafts. I wanna learn how to knit, but hot damn it looks complicated. But we'll see. I'm still browsing on crafts that I want to try. A Beautiful Mess made me wanna do all crafts! Hee hee hee. 
  6. Attend a Bucket List Concert: Bon Jovi, U2, Coldplay (can't get enough of them!), Celine Dion. I love going to concerts. I've trying to go as much as possible of bands/singers I love since 5th grade (my first concert was Boyzone, this awesome boyband from Ireland). 2012 was pretty remarkable because I got to see Coldplay and front row pit for No Doubt. Bon Jovi is doing a concert in April, but not sure if we're gonna go or not. I don't mind watching Coldplay again (like I said, I'm a nerd for Coldplay). Celine Dion would be great too. But I heard her tickets are so expensive, of course.
  7. The Color Run in Los Angeles (Feb 2013). Right after I did my Color Run in San Diego, I immediately signed up for the LA one. I recruited some friends to join me so this would be so fun!!
  8. Make/Bake a Pie. This is something I haven't mastered. I'm not a big fan of pie. The only pie I'll eat is Apple Pie. Ok and maybe a good Pumpkin Pie. The crust doesn't look so hard to make. But we'll see. I know my dad will love this.
  9. Take more pictures with my film cameras and create an album. I collect cameras. One day I want to create a shrine for my collections. With the convenience of having your digital camera in hand to snap snap away, I lost my touch with the art of film. Right now all of my cameras are stored in a box at Rob's apartment. I can't wait to get my hands on them once I move. 
  10. Swim with the Dolphins. For Rob's birthday last year (2011), we went to Sea World. When I saw the dolphins, I told him I wanna swim with them. So this must happen. Haha.
  11. Medical Missionary, again. This might happen, if the timing is perfect. A friend of mine introduced me to an Executive Director for an organization. This time it will involve children. Y'all know how I am with children. Honestly I love kids. Peds was my first choice to work at after Nursing School. Until now, I still get impatient with children, ESPECIALLY when their parents don't do crap about them. Spoiled kids irritate me like no other. But give me a sick kid or a kid in need, I'm all over that. I'll make sure that child gets better. So I do hope this Medical Missionary is a go.
  12. Take a picture with Ariel, the Little Mermaid. Yes, Ariel is my all time Disney Princess. Until now, I have yet to take a picture with her. When that moment comes, I'll be bawling. Ok, not really. 
So these are the things in my 12 Things List. I hope I can accomplish all 12 of them. Like I said in the beginning, at the end of each months, we will do a Revisit post to see our progress. 

This link up will be open til Dec 31, 2012. IT'S FOREVER OPEN! Feel free to post the above button on your blog, spread the word, visit other bloggers, give moral supports, you know... the good ol' drill. 

If you want to participate after the link-up is close, still do it! You can link back with us during the Revisit posts. 

I'm so excited! Print up your list, make it pretty, post it everywhere around your living space. Ok, maybe that's too extreme? Not!

Moonbeams & Bunny Kisses,

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