Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Pillow. I freakin miss you like crazy. You're only gone for a week, and I only see you once a week anyways, but knowing that you're far far away, not a drive away, stretched my longing for you. Lame. I'm getting girly each year. I can't imagine how I'm gonna be when you'll be gone for 3 weeks.

Dear Rain. Thank you for finally appearing in my life. But what is this, oh Mother Nature... You're gonna be in the 90s again for the weekend? LAME! I'm already in Boot Season mode already. Not cool.

Dear Future Wedding Song(s), the more songs I hear the more confuse I get.

Dear Coldplay, you are perfect for a cold cold night.

Dear Chimmy, you look very cute when you sleep with your tongue stickin out a little. I want to cuddle you so bad but I know you will bite me. You evil you.

Dear Closet, I'm gonna raid you soon and clean you up and start a yard sale on ebay. Anyone interested?

Dear Pastry gods, you're haunting me with needs and wants of going to pastry school. I have my eye on you.

Dear Let's Get Physical Goals and October Goals... Oh shit, i'm slacking. Help. I need motivation!

Dear Sisters, I miss you. ALL 5 of you. Can we go back to last week?

Dear Bed, you are very sexy to me. Every night.

linkin up with Ashley
moonbeams and sweet rain drops,



  1. love your letter, love your blog design!

    new follower!

  2. I'm doing okay with my october goals as for the lgp You can do it lady!

    1. hahah thanks girl. it's hard to do my 30 min walk cuz it's dark by the time i get out of werk. lame.

  3. Hi from Friday Letters!

    I'm the same way with my future wedding songs. I pick out one that WILL be it and then I obsessively listen to it and it gets annoying. But I think I have one picked out. For the future of course. We shall see ;)

    Happy Friday!!

    xo, Heather
