Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's OK Thursday

Sure. I love link-ups. But I only do certain ones that I love. When I saw It's OK Thursday on Jan's site, I was like, sure why not let's do this thang.

And I did a lot of bad things today, so it's my excuse for me to say it was okay for me to do it. I love giving excuses. Even the Pillow notices that. Sad.

Its Ok Thursdays

It's Ok...
  • to eat a whole bag of Goldfish crackers while you're bored to death at work (true story)
  • to drag your mother and dog to go to drive-thru Farmer's Boys
  • to eat fried food instead of juicing on a Thursday night
  • to not finish your fried food when you're completely stuff but feel bad about wasting food and ending up to finish it all :(
  • to be excited when you see that people are actually purchasing an ad spot on your blog (giddy to the max)
  • to have a major CRY-FEST watching this video (please do click and watch)
  • to sometime be more sympathetic towards homeless and abandoned animals than humans (ok besides babies)... those animals have no choice
  • to roll your eyes when your boss is making lame jokes
  • to nibble on a fry for 10 minutes
bunny kisses, 


  1. I ALWAYS feel bad about wasting food so I finish mine, then Tim's, and then Ford's (Cash doesn't need any help) :/ I need to remember that if I'm eating it when I'm overfull it's also a waste!

    1. YES. SO i don't know if it's a win-win or win-lose or lose-lose situation. hahaa...
      now i feel like crap.

  2. LOVED this post! So fun! I've totally done the goldfish thing too...hey, it happens! Adore your blog, I'm your newest follower :] xx


    1. thank you for stopping by. i love your sense of fashion. i dig.
